Slash (3) I'm Gay, He's Straight [boyxboy]

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I stood up, intending to follow him, and pushed my way through the crowd, only to have my upper arm grabbed my a hand that was way too small and way too delicate to be Taylor's. I was a little embarrassed to realise that I didn't recognise the touch of my girlfriend of two years, but was in too much of a hurry to talk to her.

 'Not now, Jenny,' I said impatiently, trying to tug my arm away from her and continue pushing through the crowd after Taylor, but she could be surprisingly strong sometimes.

 'Jake, I need to talk to you,' she said, and something about the urgency in her voice caused me to look down at her in alarm. I'm 5'11 and she's only 5'4", smaller even than Kelly, who is really short. Kissing her was uncomfortable standing up because even on her tippy-toes I had to lean down so much that my neck ached within seconds. It would have been way more convenient if she's been, say, 5'9", like someone I could mention but won't...

 Someone I was supposed to be following!

 'Can't it wait?' I asked in exasperation. 'Taylor-'

 'It's really important,' she whimpered, her eyes pleading with me.

 I gave one last look into the crowd but Taylor was long gone, so I sighed, 'Fine...' and followed as she led me out through the French doors, past Kelly and Evan Jacobs who were both pretty high at this point, and over to the opposite end of the pool, where she dropped my hand and started pacing. I lowered myself onto a recliner, suddenly worried it really was something serious and not that Georgia Paulson had called her fat,again, which Jenny always took to heart, much like my sister would have.

 'You know you're not fat,' I started hopefully, but when Jen turned a wide-eyed, confused gaze on me I knew for definite it was more serious this time.

 'I just got a call from my mom,' she whispered, her huge brown eyes starting to water. My own eyes widened in understanding, and I reached out for her hand and pulled her onto my lap.

 Jenny is not a bad girlfriend. It's not her fault she's not a guy – or more specifically that she's not Taylor – or that I'm not straight. She's caring, sensitive, funny, and intelligent enough to hold a conversation with but not so much that you feel intimidated.

 And while I'm a pretty shit boyfriend, I'm a good friend, even if I say so myself. So even though Jenny was not who I wanted to be with right now, even though I was waiting for her to break up with me, I knew I couldn't leave her when something was obviously going on with her stepfather.

 'What's happened?' I whispered, holding her against my chest and stroking her hair, as frightened tears started to fall down her cheeks and land on my shoulder.

 'She said Peter just went crazy. He came home drunk, as usual, but way worse, and started breaking things and threatening everyone... He hit her again, and then he started hitting Kevin, so my mom just grabbed him and ran. She said she got in the car and is halfway to my Aunt Betty's.'

I continued rubbing Jenny's back as she started sobbing again. 'Are they okay?'

'My mom was too scared to think straight... She kept thinking Peter was coming after them. She was scared to stop at a hospital, but they're at one now. Kevin's right arm and leg are broken.'

Jenny's sobbing was getting out of control now, and I felt a flush of anger at the thought of six foot, 280 pound Peter Hancroft beating the shit out of five year old Kevin. I kept myself in check though, and tried to make soothing noises to Jenny.

'They're gonna continue on to my aunt's in the morning...' she said finally. 'I can't go home Jake...'

I felt my chest constrict. Had she thought I was going to let her? 'Of course not,' I said, rocking her back and forth. 'We'll figure something out.'

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now