Slash (9) I'm Gay, He's Straight [boyxboy]

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Jakes POV

I was just beginning to read the letter aloud when the sound of a door opening and banging closed again sounded downstairs. Somebody with a deep voice shouted something, and Jenny’s characteristic squeak responded. Then came the sound of heavy feet climbing the stairs rapidly.

 I looked up from the crumpled piece of paper and stared with wide, panicked eyes at the other two, who were reflecting my expression back at me. My heart started beating painfully hard and fast in my chest and I stuffed the letter in my pocket without thinking, grabbed the others and pulled us all to the ground.

 I shoved Kelly in under the bed first, my feelings of protectiveness prioritising themselves so hiding the 5’4”, 100lb girl who was also my twin sister became slightly more important than hiding the guy I’m in love with who is, nevertheless, a guy. Next under the bed was Taylor, and finally I crawled in myself just as the door of Jenny’s room swung open and cracked against the adjoining wall. Kelly buried her face in her arms, shaking, and Taylor and I glanced at each other, gulping. Tay reached over and squeezed one of Kelly’s hands.

 We couldn’t see much from under the bed, but we could see that Peter Hancroft’s walk was steady as two brown size thirteen boots stomped slowly into the room. It was clear from his caution that he knew we were in the house. Had Jenny told him? The boots stopped moving for a few seconds as Hancroft looked around the room, then began walking over to the desk Taylor had been messing around in a few minutes before. There was a sound of drawers opening and closely harshly and it was clear the man was angry. Then we heard some rustling, and I figured he’d picked up the other letters on the desk. The one I had in my back pocket suddenly felt like it was made of lead.

 Hancroft grunted, and I realised he was counting. ‘One... Two, three, four... Five... Six... Fuck! FUCK!’ he roared. The deskchair’s legs disappeared as he picked it up and flung it bodily across the room, where it hit the wall and shattered on impact. Taylor’s fingers clenched around my hand and Kelly’s whimper coincided with the sound of the broken chair hitting the ground.

The brown boots walked towards the door and stopped again. I held my breath, but a second later they left, kicking the door closed behind him.

About a minute passed before I found the strength in my fear-weakened limbs to crawl out from under the bed, and Taylor and Kelly shakily followed suit.

‘Are you okay?’ I whispered to them, and Taylor nodded while Kelly just stood there. He put his arm around her while I walked to the door carefully and went to ease it open.

‘No!’ Kelly squeaked. We both turned to look at her. ‘Why don’t we just go out the window?’

‘We can’t leave Jenny here alone with him,’ I hissed.

‘He left her alone downstairs. She’s probably gone.’ I could see the fear in my sister’s eyes, and I stopped.

‘Okay. You and Taylor go out the window. I’ll go down and make sure Jenny’s gone, and meet you back home.’ Both shook their heads immediately, but now that the idea was in my head I wasn’t dropping it. ‘Look,’ I hissed, walking back over to them purposefully, as if I had any more conviction in our situation than they did. ‘Peter Hancroft has obviously been raping Jenny. We need to get you out of this house Kelly.’ A whole different kind of fear registered on her face, and I felt guilty realising she hadn’t even thought of this. But she still seemed reluctant to go. ‘I’ll be fine,’ I said gently, pulling her into a hug. ‘I promise.’

Then I hugged Taylor, and pushed them both towards the window, then went back to the door. Taylor started trying to rip at the gauze that was stapled to the window-frame, eventually managing to make a hole in it after a few seconds. He and Kelly tugged at it until the hole was big enough to climb through, then Taylor reached out and opened the window, and lifted Kelly up so she could start to climb through. I clasped my hand around the door handle, and took a deep breath. It opened under my hand, but with no movement on my part, and swung backwards, causing me to hit my head painfully off the wall. I slumped to the ground, my eyes watering.

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now