Slash (5) I'm gay, He's Straight [boyxboy]

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‘You’re going to a gay club?’ Kelly asked me sceptically as we walked back to mine.

 ‘Yeah. So?’

 ‘You’re not even out!’

 I shrugged. ‘So maybe I’m coming out.’

 ‘No you’re not. You’re sulking, is what you’re doing.’

 We walked along in silence for a few minutes.

 ‘You could always come with me,’ I suggested, but refusing to let my voice rise with a question mark at the end, still being in something of a foul mood over the whole situation.

 ‘Well of course I’m coming with you,’ Kelly said, rolling her eyes. Despite myself, I smiled. Kel is always one step ahead of me. ‘Like you could possibly do this without me. Have you even considered where you’re going to get ID?’

 ‘Yeah, I’m just gonna ring Stace and see if she can get me one,’ I said, mentioning my sister.

 ‘You think she’ll help you out this time?’

 Stace is in her second year of college and has been supplying the kids in my school with IDs since she started. Student cards at her university come with pictures and dates of birth, and if you contact her in enough time, she’ll borrow one from a friend who looks enough like you that bouncers will let you in, and if you don’t have it back to her within two days, she charges you double the original €10 it’ll cost you otherwise. Until now, her policy on getting an ID for me has been that it’ll only happen once I come out and stop lying to everyone, but I figure I can twist the truth somewhat this time as I am, after all, going to a gay club.

‘Only one way to find out,’ I replied, pulling my mobile out of my jeans pocket. Ten minutes of excited squealing later, Stace agrees to drop an ID for me off with one of her friends who’ll meet me in them chipper across the street from Pressure.

‘I can’t believe she fell for that,’ Kelly muttered, shaking her head.

‘And it’s free of charge for family,’ I added smugly. Stace had robbed Kelly blind over the last year before she turned eighteen, mainly because when Kel goes out, she gets drunk and loses everything she owns, including the IDs. €20 a week for over a year is a tidy profit.

‘Whatever,’ Kelly muttered. ‘I’m going home to change.’

Jake’s POV

Jen and I got home to the sound of Kelly blaring Cobra Starship in her room. It was past seven by now and my parents were sitting at the dining table eating Chinese takeaway.

‘Any extra?’ I asked, nicking an egg roll from my dad’s plate.

My mom nodded towards the kitchen, unable to speak with her mouth full. I grabbed the box of noodles and two sets of chopsticks from the counter and went to sit beside Jen, across from dad.

‘What’s up with Kel?’ I asked, motioning to the ceiling. Cobra Starship is her going out music, but it’s a Monday night.

‘She’s going to Pressure with some friends,’ my mom replied, finally swallowing. My parents know Kelly is bisexual and are remarkably laid back about it for people who freak out over a C3 in a class test. ‘Have you two got any plans?’

‘Just gonna watch some DVDs...’ I trailed off. Since when does Kelly go to gay clubs? And who was she going with, anyway? ‘What about you guys?’

I'm Gay, He's Straight -SERIES- [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now