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Running. That's all I had my mind on right now. In the forest, barefoot, cold, and wet. Rain spraying on my face every 5 seconds extra of my feet pounding the ground. I was slowing down just barely but then heard their growls again and sped right back up. 'Please' the voice I've had in my head since I was 7 said, 'Let me help you Aika, please.' I hastily shook my head in denial even though I knew she couldn't see me. 'NO! You'll hurt people like you always do!' I responded in my head and could hear her sigh and after a few moments she finally responded, 'I just want us to get out of here Aika, we're running for a reason, I don't want us to get tortured again,' I started crying, although unseeable because of the rain. I could hear their loud growls and footsteps right behind me and could almost feel their breaths on the back of my neck. 'Fine. But you have to promise to only get us out of here,' I told her in a panic. 'Done,' I heard and blacked out.

The Joker and Two AssassinsWhere stories live. Discover now