Character Info

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Name : Aika Akumura

Age : 24

Height : 5'8"

Weight : 135 lbs

Eye Color(s) : Right eye; Electric Sapphire, Left eye; Striking Violet

Eye Color(s) : Right eye; Electric Sapphire, Left eye; Striking Violet

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Hair Color : Pure White

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Hair Color : Pure White

Skin Tone : Pale

Choice of Clothing : Aika normally wears a white loose tank top with black shorts, with her trusty dagger on her thigh. She also has a white eye patch to cover her purple eye, she personally favors the blue one.

 She also has a white eye patch to cover her purple eye, she personally favors the blue one

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🔝(Basically this thing as the dagger except imagine it as how I depicted in-story)

Hair Style : Aika has 4 braids on the right side of her head, and on the left her hair is just down.

Hair Style : Aika has 4 braids on the right side of her head, and on the left her hair is just down

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Slight Notes on Nen Ability : All of her shifts are white, with the same eyes in her human form. And I explain what Aisha's shifts look like.

Personality : Aika was a very kind girl, one who didn't like to harm anyone, but after the incident she decided she wanted to protect herself so she took fighting lessons with an assassin and became one. Aisha is very extroverted and cheery, but will slaughter your entire family if you hurt one of hers or Aika's friends.

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