Chapter 5

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          About what I assumed was halfway through, I noticed a group of guys surrounding and glaring at the jester man from before. Killua told me and Gon that we should head up front so we could gain some distance between Hisoka and ourselves. 'So that's his name...' 'Does somebody have a crush~?' 'Aisha no, I don't even know the guy, just his name. He intrigues me because of the way he was going to attack both the ape and Satotz before I stepped in.' 'That's true, but you have to admit, he's pretty hot.' At that comment I started blushing a bit. I then noticed the said person wasn't behind us anymore. 'Aisha, find him.' 'Way ahead of you.' I could feel myself being pulled to a certain area in the woods and quickly jogged in that direction. Once I got there I could see a clearing with Hisoka being surrounded by the group of guys from earlier. Both Hisoka and one of the men noticed me. Hisoka smiled and the guy pointed to me saying, "Hey! It's that crazy shapeshifting bitch from before!" I raised my eyebrow at that little comment and looked at Hisoka before saying, "Mind if I join you? The ape wasn't nearly enough fun." He just smiled at me and responded with, "Of course you may, come now everyone, make way for the lady~" I smiled and happily skipped over to the middle where I asked, "I take half you take half?" He just simply nodded and took out a card, "They've decided they wanted to play examiner so we'll play along~."

          "In that case..." I closed my eyes and though, 'Aisha, how would you like to have some fun?'

          I heard a slight giggle and then, 'With pleasure.'

          When Aisha reopened our eyes they were a striking violet and our hair had a black streak going down the left side of it. Aisha started jumping in joy and then introduced herself, "Hello everyone! I'm Aisha! Aika's second personality! I really wanna have fun but also just wanna end this quickly...Hisoka, what do you think I should do?" Since I couldn't do anything while she fronted I just laughed and had her imagine me rolling my eyes. Hisoka chuckled. "Well little fruit, I do believe we should do this quickly, there will be other chances for lots of fun. I promise~." Aisha pouted but still shifted into her version of the wolf. It had purple eyes just like hers in human form, and a black streak going down her back. The half of the people we were assigned to kill were shaking from fear, however stopped altogether a second later. Aisha had bitten off each of their heads in the blink of an eye, without any blood on her muzzle.

          Hisoka looked at us and told us to step back a bit. She did as told and sat down, waiting for him to do his thing. The rest of the men charged at him and he had slit their necks with a card, blood spewing everywhere on the floor as their bodies dropped. Aisha barked and wagged her tail aggressively. Hisoka merely chuckled and walked over to her, patting her head. She barked again and nuzzled into his hand. Eventually he stopped and turned towards Kurapika and Leorio(I learned Kurapika's name the same time I learned Leorio's). Aisha gave me back control and I shifted back into a human. I merely sat down and waited for something interesting to happen. As Hisoka was getting closer to the two boys, there was a murder of crows that suddenly flew into the air and the two boys scattered in different directions.

          "Hm, smart boys," I muttered to myself. Once Hisoka turned around and started walking towards me, I heard yelling from my right, his left. I looked and saw Leorio, 'STUPID IDIOT!!' I mentally facepalmed. A few minutes later I was on the verge of cackling because Hisoka was dodging every single one of Leorio's attempted hits and playing with him. When he was about to go in for the kill, a fishing hook had hit Hisoka square in the jaw. That did it. I now let loose the laughs I had been holding in. I could feel him glaring at me but that didn't stop me in the slightest. I heard Hisoka say something to the mysterious fishing rod person before Leorio, "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" I stopped laughing in time to see him get sucker punched by Hisoka. I was about to laugh again when I saw Gon. 'Oh god what is he doing here?!'

          I saw Gon try to hit Hisoka once again but he just dodged and started playing with the poor little boy. This went on until Hisoka grabbed Gon by the neck, choking him. I sprinted over to them and punched Hisoka with about 30% of my strength and it sent him flying. I quickly ran to Gon's side to make sure he was okay. Hisoka got up and looked at me with the same look from earlier. "My, my, what a punch you have~,"

          "You have no idea," I briefly responded before getting up.

          I walked over to Leorio and was about to pick him up but before I could Hisoka said, "Please, allow me." I backed up and toned out Gon and Hisoka's conversation until I heard a beeping coming from Hisoka's pocket. He pulled out a walkie-talkie looking thing and the person on the other end had told him to get over to the end, as they were about to get to the second phase site. "Can you find your way back~?" I saw the jester say to Gon. I saw him nod before, "Good boy~. Are you coming?" I nodded and started jogging alongside him.

          We just talked about random things and when we got to the site I saw Hisoka set Leorio upright on a tree. Once he did I started looking for my little snowflake child. I saw his fluffy hair, said goodbye to Hisoka, and started walking over. I noticed people making a path for me and when I got to Kill I smiled and ruffled his hair. He hugged me and said, "I thought you wouldn't make it," I could tell he was pouting just by his voice. I smiled again and hugged him back. "Did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?" I asked in a fake hurt voice. He just chuckled and snuggled into me more.

          I eventually sensed Gon in the clearing and I let go of Kill and gestured to where his green haired friend was. He smiled at me and jogged over. 'Those two will be best friends, I'm willing to bet on it.' 'There's no point arguing, other than us, he's going to absolutely love that tiny child.' I just chuckled and turned toward the giant door to the second phase. I felt someone staring at my back and turned in the direction I felt it. I saw the pinhead staring at me again. This time I stared back. Our staring contest continued until the door to the second phase opened and he looked away first. I mentally did a fist pump in victory, however smirked in real life.

          "I congratulate you all making it through the numere wetlands!" a woman with teal hair in 5 weirdly shaped ponytails sitting on her head said, "My name is Menchi, and this is Buhara. We are your examiners for the second phase of the hunter exam!"

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