Chapter 2

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          I awoke to the feeling of going down, and I realized we were already near Zaban City. I also realized that Killua was still asleep on my shoulder which made me smile a tiny bit. I lightly shook him to wake him up and his eyes fluttered open. "We're here Killua," I said as he was slowly getting off my shoulder and rubbing his eyes, "Good morning sleepy head." He smiled at that and yawned. '*Gasp* He's so CUTE!!! I wanna keep him,' 'Aisha, he is a child, that'd be considered kidnapping and I don't even know if he wants to stay with us.' I could hear her huff in frustration and could imagine her turning around and falling into a crouch like a little child.

          I rolled my eyes and helped Killua get his things and made sure I had everything as well before getting off the airship, which just landed. "...Aika?" I looked down to see Killua holding onto my shirt as he looked up at me, "Can I stick with you?" I was semi shocked to say the least and responded with, "But I'm going to the hunter exa-" he quickly cut me off and basically yelled, "Me too!! Let's go!" and sprinted after grabbing my hand. Once we reached Zaban, he finally let my hand go in front of a billboard with a map. After a minute of looking at it we looked at each other and I could tell we were thinking the same thing. "Tree?" "Tree," and we started walking.

          Once we reached a supposedly abandoned town, I began using En, and I could tell there were multiple people hiding in and around the buildings, "There's people here," I warned the snow headed boy. He looked at me from the side of his eye and slightly nodded in recognition of what I said. Just then, quite a few people ran in front of us with a long table and an old woman who sat in the middle. It startled both of us and I instinctively stepped in front of Killua in a defensive position and he stood his ground, however now slightly behind me. I don't know why but I felt overly protective of the white headed boy behind me. I could tell he could easily take care of himself, so why did I do it?

          " Exciting..." the old woman said blankly. This confused me and Killua so I searched for any malicious intent, and found none so I stood up straight again, however Killua still stood close, "Exciting..." she had said again. By now I raised my eyebrow, "THE EXCITING MULTIPLE CHOICE QUIZ!" she finally yells which startles both of us yet again. "You're heading for the tree on the mountain, aren't you? First you have to succeed in getting out of this town. The other paths that could lead you there are like labyrinths, in which reign terribly, bloodthirsty monsters." At that I quickly looked down to Killua and he looked back up to me, "So I will only ask you one question. You only have five seconds to consider your answer. If you fail...your mistake will disqualify you from participating in the hunters exam this year."

          Once more me and Killua look at each other and back to the woman. "We accept your question," I say as she looks at me.

          "Here is the question. Your son and your daughter have been kidnapped, and you can only save one. Which do you choose : 1, the daughter, 2 the son." 'This is a trick question Aika, cover Killua's mouth and make sure he doesn't say anything,' Aisha instructed and I did so. He looked at me confused and just looked at me and I shook my head in a 'Don't say anything' type of way. He nodded and I took my hand off his mouth, "5, 4, 3," the old woman counted, "2, 1. There it is! It's over." I watched as two of the masked people walked over to the side of us and opened a hidden door. "The right way is there. There's only one road. After a 2 hour's walk, you'll reach the top," I nodded in thanks and started walking down the path alongside Killua and we started our not-so-long journey.

A/N : I made our sweet baby Killua a love bug because we all know this kid is secretly touch starved and needs all the love he can get.

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