Chapter 6

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Just then, I heard a growl like sound coming from...Buhara?? "Sounds like you're getting hungry."

"Hungry? I'm famished!"

I slightly smiled at what the large man had said, right before Menchi spoke up again, "Okay applicants, listen up! The second phase is cooking! We're gourmet hunters, so you'll be whipping up viands to satisfy our discriminating palates." They paused for a couple moments then Buhara continued, "First you'll make a dish for me..." then Menchi, "and if Buhara passes your effort, you'll be permitted to make one for me."

I leaned down to Kill's level and whispered, "How much you wanna bet absolutely no one will do shit to try and pass this level?"

Killua responded with, "It's not even worth betting on..." I nodded and leaned back up to my full height, only to realize I missed some of the speech, but I caught that Buhara wanted pork. 'Wait...there's PIG in the forest???' 'Yes Aisha, there are.'

"Any pig in this preserve will do. Ready?" The large man continued, then suddenly yelled, "Then...GET COOKING!!" While everyone sprinted to the forest. Once we got in said forest, Leorio started boasting, "Hah! This shouldn't be too hard for us!" I could feel like me, Gon, Killua, and Aisha rolled our eyes.

"It's not gonna be that easy meat head! This is still the Hunter's Exam, and it'll get harder and harder if you think this is gonna be easy. Hell, there's only one type of pig in this forest!" I randomly yelled out, probably too loud but oh well, this guy pissed me off. Right then Gon slipped down a hill and Killua followed, him being followed by me, me being followed by Kurapika, and Leorio following him. We all slammed into one another's back and of course the meat head was going to yell again, "What was that for Gon?!"

"I found them," Gon said nonchalantly. All of us turned to see a big ass pig.

"Well, Buhara ain't gonna be hungry after we feed him then," I claim right as the pigs screech and start stampeding towards us. We all scrambled up from sitting and ran straight towards the other applicants. I could hear Aisha jumping in joy so I let her front for this and I could physically hear her smirk as she shifted into her wolf, slowing to a stop in front of the stampeding herd. She turned so her right side was facing the herd, the applicants all behind her. The pigs stopped to stare at this smirking 7 foot wolf in front of them.

We heard Gon and Kill say behind us, "Well that's new." One of the larger pigs decided to suck it up and charge towards Aisha. "Moron," she said through the mind link as she dodged the charge and bit into the pigs' forehead, hearing a sickening crunch before letting the dead mammal fall limp. She stared at the other pigs and grinned again. "THEIR WEAK SPOTS ARE THEIR FOREHEADS!!" We heard Gon yell out. Aisha let me front again and I shifted back, having a bored expression on my face as I lifted my chosen kill with ease, casually walking through the massacre of pigs like it was a Sunday stroll.

Soon enough everyone had a pig and was walking back, but I snagged a few herbs on the way back to make the dish nicer. When we got back there were only about 70 of us left, everyone just roasted their pigs without putting any effort into it. My nose crunched up in disgust, and I decided to start making mine. I cut a fairly large piece out of my pigs' side for Buhara and a medium sized one for Menchi, and I started slightly seasoning with some salt and pepper that was already on the cooking station. I opted for grilling because that was my favorite way to eat pork, right as I put it on I yelled out to Buhara and Menchi, "How do you like your pork you two?!"

People turned and stared at me as I was awaiting their answer. Buhara just said anyway that I make it, but Menchi liked it medium-rare. I put a thumbs up as I looked back to my cooking. I sensed Kill come up next to me to just watch what I was doing. By the time I was done everyone was just waiting for me to finish. I added the finishing touches and brought the two dishes up, "Two medium-rare pork dishes for you two."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2022 ⏰

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