Chapter 3

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          "Hey Killua..."


          "Can I call you Kill?"

          He kind of stiffens but nods nonetheless. I take notice of that but I don't mention it, "Also, what's your last name?" He completely stops walking and looks as if he was a mannequin, 'A~nd he's as rigid as a board.' 'That he is Aika, that he is.'

          "My name is Killua Z-Zoldyck," the poor baby stutters out.

          "I KNEW IT! I knew I recognised your eyes and hair from somewhere!"

          "Wait, what?"

          "Footsteps. They're too quiet to be a normal person's. I would know. I'm an assassin as well dummy," I say with a slight smirk. The look on this boy's face had me cackling, "HAH?!" After I finished laughing he had an adorable little pouty face on and we just walked for another half hour. I then realized I didn't have the patience for walking the rest of the way and that's when it hit me, "Hey, wanna race the rest of the way?" He snapped his head in my direction and nodded so quickly that I figured his brain would be all racked up.

          Once we got in position, I started counting, "On your mark..."

          "Get set..." Kill continued.

          "GO!!" we both yelled and took off.

          I got there in about a minute and decided to wait for the little snow headed child I befriended. Once he arrived, he looked so confused. He just kept looking back at the woods and back at me too confused to even form a sentence. I just chuckled and turned around, freezing in my place. It was then that I noticed the major disturbances in the scenery around the cabin. I used Zetsu enough that there wasn't a chance that anyone inside the cabin could know I was outside. I carefully walked forward and was right outside the door, when I smelt something weird. It smelt like a...kiriko? There also seemed to be more. 'What are kirikos doing as our navigators?' I slammed the door open as quickly as I could, while deactivating my Zetsu, and calmly said, "Which one of you 4 will tell me why we were assigned 4 kirikos as our navigators to the exam?" Everyone, I mean everyone stared at me in pure and utter shock. The kirikos and Killua included. "How did you-?" I pointed to my nose and said, "I have highly heightened senses and the four of you smelled like kirikos so..."

          The two who actually looked like the magical being started laughing and the one with a deeper voice had said, "How long has it been honey?" and the other one said after that, "I have no idea darling." Once they finished conversing between themselves and the other two, who I'm assuming are the children, had shifted back into their human form and nodded at each other. "I do believe you two pass this part, we'll take you right to the site of the exam." I nodded and looked at Killua smiling slightly and pet his hair again, and he once again leaned in, however this time right away.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Time Skip<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
          Once we landed in Zaban, we started walking towards a very tall building while our navigator had explained to us some of the history of the city. Pretty soon we reached the exam site, which just so happened to be a tiny little restaurant. The navigator said to the chef, "Is the back room open?"

          "What will you have?" the chef had responded with a tiny glare.

          "The steak combo that opens your eyes to the light, grilled over a low flame until done. For two please."

          "Alright, head to the back room for me and I'll be done shortly."

          Me and Killua follow the kiriko(in human form) towards the back room and he wishes us luck. Me and Kill started talking about random things and then we noticed the room was slowly going down. Once we reached the bottom, the doors opened and we walked out. I had enough time to count 97 other people in the large underground room before a little bean looking thing had walked up to us and said, "Hello! Here are your badges, please keep them on your chest to be seen at all times thank you," and handed me the number 98 and handed Kill the number 99. I quickly pinned my badge on my shirt and waited until Kill was done pinning his.

          After we were done a short fat man with a large nose walked up to us and said, "Hi! I'm Tonpa. I guess you could call me a hunter exam veteran because this is my 35th attempt at it!" as he scartched the back of his neck, 'That isn't something to be proud of...' Aisha suddenly said making me flinch a tad. He reached into his bag and took out two cans of juice and handed one to me and Killua, "Here, you must be thirsty after making your way here." I opened the can and immediately recognize the scent of laxatives. I smirked and downed the whole thing, along with Killua. Tonpa looked at us with a wide smirk on his face as I handed my can back to him. "Thanks, I'll see you around then," I said while gesturing for Kill to follow me once he finished his can.

          I stopped walking when we were about 10 feet away from him and whispered, "How long do you think it's gonna be before he realizes it doesn't work on us?" Killua just snickered and said, "Not until we go and ask for another," which made me laugh a bit. I looked up at the pipes and got struck with an idea, "You wanna hang on one of the pipes above us in the meantime?" and Killua nodded. I picked him up and jumped up onto the pipe so fast it looked as though we had disappeared. I set him down and he sat down with me following. We talked and waited until I saw a little green haired boy walk in with a tall black-haired guy and another boy with shoulder length blonde hair. I picked Kill up and jumped down from the pipe and we walked up to Tonpa again. "Hey Tonpa! Could we have a few more cans of that juice, it was really good!" I put my hand on Kill's head and smiled while nodding a bit. "Ehm...sure," he says, I could tell he was confused. 'Idiot,' I thought. He gave me and Kill three more cans each, us downing one right in front of him again. "Worried? Don't be, poisons don't work on us." Kill said with a dark-ish aura surrounding his figure. "Bye Tonpa! Thanks for the juice!" I said cheerily as I gestured for the tiny assassin to follow me to a corner. While I was sat down I memorized everyone's tag number. I heard a scream but decided to ignore it, then tiny flower petals started flying over to me. I let a few land on my hands and legs, smiling slightly.

          Right as I finished memorizing, there was a really weird alarm sounding thing. Then a wall opened up close to the elevator we arrived in. A tall but skinny man with long limbs had clicked a button and put an end to the wretched noise. "Time for reception is over. The hunter exam is now beginning."

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