Chapter 1

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          I woke up with a start as I had yet another flashback of the day I got out. 'Goo~d morning Aika!' I sighed as I heard the oh-so-annoying voice yet again. 'Good morning's too early,' I heard giggling and I knew I was in for a day full of her non-stop jabbering. 'Did you forget what day it is?' I was confused until it hit me, 'OH SHIT! THE HUNTER EXAM!' I just heard Aisha cackling at me as I was racing to get dressed and get everything ready. As a child, when I was in that place, I was forced to hurt people and I've always hated it, but now, I'm an assassin. Yep, an insane change. I need a hunter license so I don't get arrested or killed for my incoming missions.

          Anyway, as I finally finished getting dressed and getting my 6 inch dagger on my thigh, I did a slight jog to the nearby airship port, and got there in about a minute. I didn't want to show my curse just yet. When we were in the air I saw fluffy white hair sit next to me. 'I feel like I've seen that white hair and those blue eyes before, but I can't remember where...' 'I wanna pet him!' 'What the fuck Aisha NO,' and then came the argument of two personalities, over petting a child on the head when we don't even know him. He must've noticed my inner turmoil because he turned towards me and said, "You good?" I just looked at him and responded with, "You tell me when you have an annoying little shit inside your head," while hitting my head a bit. He looked a bit shocked at first and just started laughing a bit, and it made me smile a smidge.

          When he calmed down he said, "I'm Killua," and stuck out his hand.

          "I'm Aika, do you want to meet the 'annoying little shit' inside my head?" which made him chuckle and nod. I slowly took a deep breath and Aisha said, 'About damn time Aika, it's been ages,' and I let her take control. "Hi! I'm Aisha, Aika's second personality. Can I pet your hair, it's so fluffy!" I could tell Killua was a tad confused by how different Aisha was from me but evidently didn't have a choice as she already started petting his hair. He seemed conflicted for a moment before he started leaning into it. After a few minutes I could tell Killua was fighting with sleep, Aisha could as well so she let me front again. I slowly edged his head onto my shoulder while still running my hands through his hair and both me and Aisha said, "Goodnight Killua," I could tell he was asleep by the time we finished our sentence. 'Might as well get some rest as well, I reckon I won't get much during the exam. G'night Aisha,' and let sleep consume me once again.

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