Chapter 4

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The man turned around and began walking. "Follow me please," the man said and everyone began walking. He then continued, "It appears I've neglected to introduce myself, I am Satotz, your examiner, I am here to lead you to phase 2 of the exam." A person from the crowd yelled out, "What about phase 1?!"

"Phase 1 has already commenced," murmurs of confusion from everyone had begun, "I am here to lead you to phase 2, that is phase 1."

I could hear people saying it's easy, and I simply scoffed, 'If they really think this is going to be easy they have another thing coming for them,' Aisha had said while lightly chuckling, 'No kidding,' I replied back.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><>Time Skip<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
We've run for about 3 hours now, and I see Killua on his skateboard next to me. I then hear, "Hey kid! That's cheating!" I looked at the source of the voice that just called my little snowflake friend a cheater. I saw the tall black-haired guy from earlier and said with a hint of malice in my voice, "No he's not, this isn't an endurance test, Satotz just said to follow him, nothing more." I could tell the guy just now noticed my presence and was a tad scared by the glare I was giving him. "She's right you know," the little green-haired boy had backed me up with. "Eh?! Who's side are you on?!" the tall guy said. I noticed Kill skating over to him and asking for his name, which I figured out to be Gon, and his age, which was 12. Kill then did a trick and started running with him. I heard him introduce me and I finally decided to pay attention to their conversation and socialize with them.

About an hour later, the black-haired guy was sweating and panting like a long haired dog during summer. He was slowing down and eventually dropped to his knees, in the process dropping his briefcase. I saw Gon stop, me and Killua following suit. "Come on, let's just leave him, we need to keep up." Gon just stood still, as if waiting for something. I looked over at Leorio, which I learned was his name, as he grit his teeth and screamed, "Screw this! I'M BECOMING A HUNTER!!" and took off past us. Gon smiled and grabbed Leorio's briefcase with his fishing rod and jogged off after him. Me and the two boys decided to have a race to the finish once we were close.

Another 30 minutes later we reach a staircase, where the speed picks up even more, making people drop like flies. The three of us began our race and I run up to Satotz, "May I go forward?" He looks at me semi shocked but nods nonetheless. I then immediately go as fast as I can, and I'm at the end in a few minutes. I shrug and think, 'Wolf.' I feel my bones breaking and fur growing everywhere on my body, and my clothes merging with my now furry back as well as my nails sharpening. My spine elongates and my muzzle grows, as well as my legs. I purposely dragged this on since no one is near me. One I fully shifted I trotted my furry self over to the tree line and laid down. I decided to take a quick nap while I waited for everyone else to arrive.

~Killua POV~

Ever since Aika ran ahead of me and Gon I already knew we had lost, "Killua, you okay? Where's Aika?" he questioned. I looked over at him and smiled while shaking my head, "She's already at the finish I bet." Gon just looked at me in shock and I laughed, "We should probably hurry, I see the finish up there." Gon smirked and sped up. I sped up too and when the examiner reached the end we were right behind him. Me and Gon started arguing about who won and he eventually asked, "Hey Mr. Satotz, who got here first?" Satotz said, "I believe you both arrived simultaneously, however there was a woman that asked me to go ahead and I believe she got here first." I raised my eyebrow because I realized I hadn't seen Aika yet so I started looking around for her. By the time everyone else had come up the stairs I still hadn't found her. I started getting worried but my mind was taken off of that when another person came and claimed to be the examiner.

~Aika POV~

My wolf senses picked up voices and I slowly woke up. I recognised the voices of Killua and Gon and decided to hide until we reached the second phase. I used Zetsu so there wasn't a chance anyone who came up would find me. As soon as everyone came up the stairs there was a man who looked very beat up. I slightly tilted my head as I moved closer and sniffed the air. I slightly growled and waited until a good time to attack. Once he finished introducing a man-faced-ape I let down my Zetsu and stalked out of the bush growling and showing my very sharp teeth.

I noticed how a man looking like a jester was about to throw some cards but when he saw me he decided against it and instead aimed at the examiner. He kept his eye on me and I suppose it was because he was waiting for me to attack. People hurriedly scrambled away from me, I mean, who wouldn't? I'm a 7 foot tall pure white wolf snarling at a thing they believed to be a man. He started shaking and the man-faced-ape he was holding the leg of ran away as fast as he could.

I looked at the jester-looking man and slightly nodded. His eyes widened for a second before he smiled and threw his cards at the examiner. At the same time I pounced. The man started screaming as I tore into his hips, arms, legs, any body part I could completely destroy without killing him. "I see, I see, I suppose that settles it then, you are the real one," the jester-looking man said to Satotz over the man-faced-ape's screams, as Satotz was staring back at him with a blank stare, seemingly unphased by the screams of pain. Eventually I stopped torturing the guy and let out a loud roar-like bark in the ape's face and ripped off his head. I shook my fur and slowly trotted over to the jester-looking man, slightly nudging his face and walking away from him over to Killua.

I looked down at the boy and said through my mind, "Hey Kill," I saw his jaw drop to the floor and his eyes widened to the size of saucers. Suddenly he yelled, "AIKA?!?!" Gon, Leorio, and Tonpa soon copied Killua's expression as I nodded and quickly spun, shifting back into my human form, completely clothed with blood from the ape still dripping from my mouth. Once I did, literally everyone's mouths dropped, I said, "Hey Satotz, is there any clean water nearby? I need to get that thing's blood out of my mouth, it's disgusting."

Satotz nods and points NW from my position, "There's a small lake about a 1/2 mile from here, do hurry though, we must leave soon." I nod and shift into an eagle, instantly flying into the air. In about 30-40 seconds I look down and see the lake, going into a dive when I do so. Right before I hit the ground I open my wings and shift back into a human. I land in a crouch and walk over to the lake, quickly washing off the blood and washing my mouth out. Once I'm done I shift back into the eagle and take off once more. I got back to the other and people got into a circle, giving me a makeshift landing pad. I dived once more and landed, shifting back into a human. I gave them a sweet closed eye smile and started looking for my white haired companion. Once I spotted him I smiled and walked over to him. I felt eyes on me as I was walking and out of my peripheral vision saw a man with pins in his head staring/glaring at me.

"I'm sorry about that Kill, I just didn't like the smell of him, or the fact that he tried to trick you guys."

"It's fine Aika, although you could've done it a bit less gruesomely, it didn't bother me much." I smiled down at him and hugged him. He hugged me back and after about a minute I let go and turned to Satotz, "Are we gonna leave or just sit here for the rest of the day?" He nodded and turned around, resuming the walk. I looked at everyone who was staring at me and I had my eyes go into ones of a dragon and smirked as they all bolted after our examiner towards Swindler's Swamp. I chuckled and followed after Gon and Killua, unaware of the two men watching me.

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