The Truths and Dares from Part 2 and Ask Me!

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So, first off here are the dares and truths from part 2!

From (I messed up on the username and now it won't let me save it, so I had to do this instead.)

Tony Dare : I dare you to sell all you alcohol, and not have any for the next 5 years

Peter Dare : I dare you to tell Tony about the warehouse

Loki Truth : What is something you did, and got caught in the act doing so

Clint : I dare you to go the air vents and say "Caw Caw motherfuckers" and upload on YouTube

Steve Truth : Are you in love with Bucky?

Thor Dare : I dare you to give up your pop tarts for 3 years, and any stash of pop tarts you have. Give it to Loki

Fury Dare : I dare you to call Carol Danvers

Nat Truth : what happened in the Red Room?

Bruce Dare : I dare you to give more appreciation to the other guy.

Bucky Dare : I dare you confess your crush in front of Tony

Stephen Dare : I dare you to walk up to Tony and kiss him, then leave without saying a word

From  JeonTaekook10

Tony Dare: I dare you to give all your most precious and expensive alcohol to all the Avengers as a treat.

Truth: Do you lover Pepper or alcohol more? Chose one.

From  Unsessionable


and   7dayloan

not bad but I kinda wish there was a dare for Y/N that said she had to do it would have been funny if she had to kiss all the guys not that I would what to or anything I just think it would be funny

(It was very weird writing that dare)

Thanks to everyone who had dares and truths, you mean so so soooooooooooooooooo much to me. How did I have less dares, but that truth or dare part 2 still took around 3k words to write? Who knows and honestly I had fun writing it, so who cares!


Now onto the ask me bit, so basically this is just a way for ya'll to get to know me better! So, you can ask me anything, some examples are:

1) Questions about the Avengers in my story.

2) Questions about anything that has happened in this story and you just need to know the answer of.

3) Questions about any upcoming or currently being worked on stories.

4) Questions about myself. (I will not answer any questions about my full name, address, or any other extremely personal information.)

5) Basically ask me anything......just nothing weird.

(Oh yeah that reminds me, you might be wondering how I will answer the questions. That's simple every chapter that I write I will pick ten questions (if I have that many) and will answer them.)


Also, I am hoping to have the next part up the day after tomorrow, hopefully.

By the way, 83.7k reads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, Thank ya'll so much, we have gotten so far! I am going to be drawing something special for the next chapter in celebration for getting over 80k reads.

Hope ya'll have a wonderful day/night and an amazing life!


Also, her is another funny picture

Also how is everyone doing today? (Even if your day hasn't been great please answer truthfully)

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Also how is everyone doing today? (Even if your day hasn't been great please answer truthfully)

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