Nick Fury Bonus Chapter, Challenge, and Thanks

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So first things first I wanted to thank everyone for reading, voting, and commenting on this story. I also wanted wanted to say thanks for bringing this story up to 32.6k views. Therefore because I am so thankful I'm giving you a bonus chapter and 2 characters (drawn by me). One of the pictures is rather old and the other is more recent. As you may have read from the title, there is a challenge, but I will talk about that at the end of the chapter, all I will say is that you don't have to participate, it is up to you.


I tried to draw a better image of Loki

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I tried to draw a better image of Loki....(Tell me what you think and which of my Loki drawings is better.)

I also tried my hand at drawing Peter Parker in part of his Spider-man suit

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I also tried my hand at drawing Peter Parker in part of his Spider-man suit.

Nick Fury Bonus:

"Guys! Guys! You won't believe what I just found out!"

"What Clint?"

"Fury is sleeping with someone!"

Tony, who was drinking some wine, ended up spitting it all over the counter, "What-......Damn there goes some good alcohol."

Y/n laughed, "Wait! Wait! You said Nick was sleeping with someone? Who? And how do you know this?"

Clint shrugged, "I don't know, I heard him talking to someone."

Natasha gave him a dull look,"So, he might have been on the phone or he might have been talking to himself."

Clint shook his head, "No, no,no,no. He left his phone on the counter and he was talking all lovey dovey. He was saying stuff like, 'You're the only one who understands me, I wouldn't be able to live without you, and he even said I love you.'"

Loki sighed, "Okay, so what does that have to do with us? He's sleeping with someone, so what?"

"Well, I wanna see who he is sleeping with."

Y/n nodded, "Same here."

Natasha muttered, "I can't kill my curiosity, I want to know who it is, too."

Tony grinned, "I'm willing to figure out who it is, it might make me feel better about the wasted wine."

Steve sighed, "I don't see what knowing would do for us, so I'm just going to go train. Come on, Bucky."

Bucky groaned, " I actually did want to know." Bucky pointed at Clint, "You had better tell me who it is." Bucky then left with Steve to go check on the city.

Bruce walked off to the elevator , "I have work to do in the lab."

Loki sat down on the couch in the main area and summoned up a book, I have some reading to do. Y/n, remember we are going out tonight, so don't take too long."

Y/n smiled, "Sure."

Tony looked at Loki the Y/n and shook his head, he decided not to say anything though because he didn't want to start a fight.

~~~~~~~~~~~Time-skip to night time outside Furys' room~~~~~~~~~~~

"Okay, so we are going to wait until Nick starts talking to whoever, then Tony is going to knock on the door and tell Nick he has something important to talk about, and then Natasha, Y/n, and I will sneak in and see who it is."


"Why do I need to knock?"

"Just do it."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Another Time-skip to after Tony knocks on the door~~~~~~~~~~

"What do you need, Stark?"

"I might have found a new element and I would like to show it to you to see if it may help us with upcoming missions."

"Fine, fine. Lets just get this over with."

Tony and Fury walked off to the elevator to go to the lab.

Clint grinned, "Alright, lets go."

They slipped into the Nick's room and started to look around, but alas they didn't find anyone.

That is when Y/n noticed something, she pointed over at the bed and muttered, "It looks like someone is laying there."

Clint silently walked over to the bed and quickly pulled the blanket back and....

"It's a Bazooka!!"


They spun around as the door was slammed open.

"What in the world are you doing in my room?!"

"We were-There was-You slept-....."

"Why is there a bazooka in your bed?"


Fury sighed, " She is the only one who has stayed with me throughout my life and......She's my wife."


Fury picked up a photo and showed it to them.

It was nick holding a bazooka in a wedding dress....

"Oh, Okay...."

"Her name is Sandra."

"Umm....alright, I think we should go now," Y/n muttered as she walked out.

Fury held up his hand before they could leave and hissed, "Don't you dare tell anyone else."

"Okay, we promise."

~~~~~~~Time-skip to a little later~~~~~~~~~~~

"So who was it?"

No one, he was just talking to himself."

End of Bonus


So my challenge is that you write some fanfic about Nick Fury x Bazooka.

Like I said earlier you don't have to do it, but if you do leave a link in the comments and I may make a chapter  that has everyones' links on it.

So it's up to you whether or not you do the challenge.

Well thanks again for all the views, comments, and votes! I hope all of you have a great life and day/night!

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