Hey girls, how you feeling? ( Female Avengers Chat)

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Request: The girls talking in a secret g.chat about how stupid the men in there lives are (like Y/n, nat, pepper, shuri, okoye, storm, wanda etc)


Sadly I don't know about all of these female characters, so I will do who I know! (Pietro isn't dead!)


Y/n has logged on

Y/n: Anybody else on?

Natasha has logged on

Nat: Hi, Y/n!

Y/n: Hey!

Pepper has logged on

Pepper: Is any of the boys on?

Y/n and Natasha: No.

Wanda has logged on

Wanda: Boys indeed....

Y/n: ???

Wanda: I mean they all act like little teenage boys falling over every girl they see walking down the road!

Y/n: Oh.....Loki isn't like that.

Natasha: Loki is socially awkward.

Pepper: Too true.

Natasha: I have to feel the same about the boys though!

Pepper: *Giggles behind hand* Boys...

Wanda: Peitro acts like an idiot! He ran in front of a bunch of bullets!

Natasha: He acts like a kid on a bike that pulls his hands off the handle bars and says, "Look Mom, no hands!"

Y/n: You mean, "Look Mom, no brains!"

Pepper: Lmao!

Wanda: I have to tell him that.

Pepper: At least you don't live with Mr. Sleep with Alcohol.

Y/n: You mean Mr. Flirty.

Pepper: That too.

Natasha: Just about ready to throw him out the window without any access to his suit.

Pepper: Yesterday I found him sitting in the supply closet making out with a bottle of vodka! it took me 3 hours to make him drop the bottle and step out of the door.

Natasha: At least you didn't have to deal with Loki and Clint yesterday!

Y/n: Oh god! Don't remind me! Loki and Clint got into a whole argument about who could do more things than the other person could.

Natasha: Clint blew up the microwave when he put 12 bags of chips inside of it.

Y/n: And Loki tried to clean the sink and ended up putting 4 different types of chemicals down the drain. It caused a hazardous gas to fill the entire kitchen level and we had to try and clean the place out!

Natasha: The worst part was it was our day off.

Y/n: We should have known that anything that has to do with us, Loki, and Clint would not mix well.

Wanda: Anything that has to do with Loki always ends up in a mess. * Thinking about how Loki tried to take over the world*

Pepper: You never met him that much, yet.

Wanda: What are the boys even doing now?

Y/n: They went on a guys night out. I have one question, Is there any of the guys that you actually can't complain about that much?

Natasha: Thor.

Pepper: Thor.

Wanda: Thor.

Y/n: ?

Pepper: He might not know much about our world, but he at least doesn't go around flirting with everyone, trying to put people under his control, and he has more feelings than everyone else.

Wanda: True, I can deal with his Cap Locks, I can't deal with Pietro trying to play savior and ending up getting himself hurt though.

Natasha: Just hit him over the head and tie him to a chair.

Y/n: You would have to bolt the chair to the floor and superglue his butt to the chair to keep him from doing stupid things.

Wanda: That isn't a too bad idea, I might actually do that. Thanks for the idea!

Pepper: Hey, tell me when you want to do it and we can team up and do it to him and Tony.

Y/n: I'm in!

Natasha: Same, I can get Chicken Wing out of the way too.

Y/n: We can do it to Loki, Tony, Clint, and Pietro!

Natasha: What about Bucky, Steve, and Bruce.

Y/n: Hmm...Maybe Bucky. Steve doesn't cause much trouble and I don't want to have to deal with the Hulk, plus Bruce isn't that bad.

Natasha: Yeah.

Pepper: True, true.

Wanda: Thor?

Pepper: Nah, he's cool.

Y/n: And Loki is cold,

Wanda: Steve is old,

Natasha: And Bucky is too~

Pepper: How true, how true~

Y/n: Bruce is green,

Wanda: Nick Fury is mean,

Natasha: And Clint is a drama queen~

Wanda: Pietro has some spunk,

Pepper: Tony is drunk,

Everyone: This song is a FLUNK!!

Y/n: How did that go from Thor is cool to a song about all of the boys.

Pepper: I have no clue, but. It. Was. Fun!

Wanda: I have to agree. What a way to get our thoughts out on the boys.

Natasha: We should do this more.

Y/n: Not to bust our fun, but the guys are back.

Natasha: Damn! Evacuate chat and act normal! I repeat evacuate chat and act normal!

Everyone else: *salutes* Yes ma'am!

Pepper has logged off

Wanda has logged off

Y/n: See ya!

Y/n has logged off

Natasha: Bye!

Natasha has logged off


Until Next Time my dear friends and followers

Super easy to type Loki! The keyboard was made for his name!

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Super easy to type Loki! The keyboard was made for his name!

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