Spunky Tony

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Tony has logged on

Y/n has logged on

Tony:I'm feeling spunky, Know what I mean?

Y/n: No I don't.

Tony: Oh come on, I know you do!!! (shaking hips)

Y/n: Um...no, i don't. Pervert.

Natasha has logged on

Natasha: I felt someone harassing. Tony stop or I will find you mwahahah.

Tony has logged off.

Y/n: Good, you scared him away, thanks.

Natasha: No problem, What are friends for?

Y/n: Great, then it is just us-

Thor has logged on

Clint has logged on

Bruce has logged on

Tony has logged on

Loki has logged on

Bucky has logged on

Steve has logged on

Natasha: Spoke too soon, Y/n.

Y/n: I know. They are like viruses they show up when you don't want them and they don't get the answer and leave right away.


Everyone: Thor caps lock. :/

Thor: Sorry. That always happens.

Loki: That is why I should be ruler of Asgard because at least I can REMEMBER caps lock.

Bruce: You just used caps lock, O high and might ruler of nothing.

Y/n: Good one Bruce. Sorry Loki but I'm siding with green bean here.

Bruce: Stop calling me that.

Bruce has logged off

Clint: I agree with Bruce too.

Tony: Your alive?! Oh my gosh. Guys, Birdy Boy isn't dead. He survived.

Clint: Shut up, Stark. You and the others cheered on while I was being chased.

Tony: Bitch puhlease, you provoked Loki.

Clint: Don't you be calling me a bitch, you tha bitch.

Tony: You want to fight, bring it on.

Clint: I'll fight you any day, Tin man.

Tony: We'll see about that, Legolas.

Y/n: Take it to the training room, I don't want  any more holes in the wall.

Tony has logged off

Clint has logged off

Natasha: I think they are both spunky.

Y/n: Well~ I'm going to go play FNAF. Nat, are you coming?

Natasha: Yeah.


Steve: Yeah, I'll come to.

Steve has logged off



Thor: But you used them to lady Y/n.

Y/n: Sorry Thor. Look you aren't using caps lock.

Thor: Yeah!! =)

Loki: I will come as well, these mortals are starting to get on my nerves.

Thor: I feel the same, Brother.

Loki: I am not your brother!!!!

Natasha and Y/n: Boys.

Natasha has logged off

Y/n has logged off

Bucky: Guys! Guys!!! Looks like they forgot I was here.

Bucky: That is it, I will not be forgotten ever again. The time for my comeback is finally here.

Bucky: Everyone watch out cause' I'm back!!!! ;)

Bucky has logged off

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