5k special answers

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WELL, TIMES UP! Please turn in all papers at the front of the room, make sure all questions are answered. Just Kidding. Anyway, I have the results and I have the answers, so lets see who are the winners!


1. Which avengers character do you want to go to prom with?

WINNER: PETER PARKER. Good going spidey!

Peter: Thanks everyone! I'm glad you chose me!

2. If you could only save one character which one would you save?

WINNER: LOKI. Take that, Thanos! Loki is staying safe.

Loki: *Sigh* Do I really have to say it?

Author: Yes.

Loki: FINE! Thank you, mortals, for keeping me alive.

3. Which avengers character is the funniest?

WINNER: THOR. No one can stand up to Thor's hilariousness.

Thor: Thank you, humans. I am very honored to know that you believe I am funny. Do to you voting for me here are some pop tarts and CAPS LOCK! THANK YOU!!!!

4. Who is the meanest avengers character?

WINNER: TONY.  Nice job, tin man, you are now considered the meanest character.

Tony: I hate you all! *runs away to go cry with his alcohol*

5. Which character do you trust your life with the least?

WINNER: LOKI. Well I do feel a bit bad for him, but you know he is a backstabbing snake sometimes and most of the time we don't know what side he is on.

Loki: *Sarcastic* Thank you for nothing, you useless mortals!  (Shout out to all who know where that quote came from!)

6. Which character do you pity?

WINNER: BUCKY.  Bucky, not only do we have your back (and your arm), but we also feel for you!

Bucky: At least some people understand what I am going through, thank you my wonderful fans!

7. Which avengers character do you want to spend the whole day with?

WINNER: WANDA. She's cool, she's awesome, she's an ex-assassin.....she is the great and wonderful Wanda! What a day it will be with her.

Wanda: Thanks, that's all I can say, thanks.

8. Which character do you want me to base the next chat on?

Well, here we are at the last question, this question I had different answers on, so instead of re-posting the question this is what I will do:

Next Part: Peter and Tony.

Next Part: Loki.

Part after that: Wanda.

Next Part: Dr. Strange.

Peter: Yes, I get to be in a chapter, I get to be in a chapter, I get to be in a chapter! Isn't that awesome Mr. Stark?!

Tony: I suppose, I've been in a bunch of chapters, though. It's not that interesting....

Wanda: Thank you, again. You might not have one day with me, but you will have one chapter.

Loki: What should I say, thanks? Nope! Don't even think about it mortal. I will not say thanks after what happened with that question. Plus I have been in several chapters before this, so I will always come back....I don't need your support, unless you want to be my loyal subjects and help me become the king of Asgard.

Dr. Strange: Don't even think about it, unless you want to go through one of my portals, again.

Loki: No thanks.

Tony: Who are you?

Dr. Strange: We have been over this, I'm Dr. Strange.

Tony: mhm.

Dr. Strange: Well, anyway. Thanks to all of you faithful followers.


Thank you everyone for all the support and with giving me these wonderful answers, have a nice day!

Hint Hint: Loki will always come back, no matter what.

Put your minds to working and think about what that hint might be, don't look at the little picture, look at the whole scene. Also, don't think about one person (character) think about them all. Until next time, goodbye!

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