Truth or dare: part 1? We'll see...

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Peter has logged on

Peter: Hey, hey, guess what I found!

Tony has logged on

Tony: What is it, kiddo?

Y/n has logged on

Y/n: It looks like a box

Bucky has logged on

Bucky: How would you know what it looks like.

Y/n: I'm sitting right across from him! How else would I know?

Steve has logged on

Steve: You could see through walls, I suppose.

Natasha has logged on

Natasha: That's cardboard, not a wall.

Clint has logged on

Clint: Sometimes cardboard can be a wall.

Tony: Be quiet, birdbrain.

Clint: Anyone else getting annoyed by the Tin-can?

Y/n: You know, that makes me question something. Can people that see through walls, see through everything, or just certain materials?

Tony: I think this calls for some experimentation.

Bruce has logged on

Bruce: I'm still cleaning up after your last experiment!

Peter: Ooooo, can I experiment too?!

Bruce: If you don't mind cleaning up too.

Peter: Sure! Where do I start!

Clint: Is everyone just ignoring me...

Natasha: Hold on, we were talking about this box. Remember?

Loki has logged on

Loki: Why must you make so much NOISE????!!!!

Thor has logged on

Thor: Calm down, brother.

Loki: Stop calling me brother! If you do it again, I will smite you!

Thor: No you won't.

Clint: I guess everyone is ignoring me...

Bucky: So what does the box say.....before those two cause all crazy havoc.

Peter: Oh right! It says 'To: Avengers, From: Owlie . This is....',  and the rest is smudged.

Thor: Don't open it, it may be a trap!

Loki: It's not a trap, I feel no deception coming from this box.

Tony: Hold on a second. First off, Peter go wash your hands we are in a pandemic! Second off, let me disinfect the box and the contents inside.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time-Skip brought to you by Tony's Disinfectants~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bucky: Alright, now lets see what we got!




Bruce: It's Truth or Dares.

Natasha: Put it back.

Steve: Well, that was a waste of time.

Tony: Stop, stop, stop. Let's play it!

Y/n: Why?

Tony: Because nothing good has been happening lately and I think this might just be the good we need.

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