Chapter 4.

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Shannon's POV.

"Kate your not seriously still pissed at me?!"  She was still annoyed at me for saying that guys just use her, I wouldn't blame her though. No best friend should say something like that, even if it's true. I could have said it nicely though.

"Yes I fucking am !" She yelled from the locked bedroom door. We haven't talked in a day which is long for us, we usually make up after five minutes.

"You know I didn't mean it!" I pleaded banging my fist on the door. I have been here for ten minutes trying to persuade her that I am really sorry. I didn't even know why I said it, I was just annoyed.

"Fuck off !" She yelled loudly. I sighed loudly so she knew I was annoyed too.

I gave up, I needed a walk. I put my vans on and left the apartment. She hasn't talked to me in a whole day so I needed time to think, the fresh air would help me. Before leaving I made sure to grab a hundred dollars just in case I find something Kate likes. When me and Kate have a fight we usually buy each other something.

I decide to take a long walk, anywhere is fine with me. I begin walking and put my earphones in. Ed Sheeran - Logo house plays, I love that song so much. It has so much meaning to me, I dont know why though. It just gets to me.

I walk down to a park, the trees were swaying gently back and forth as the soft breeze blew them. I walk for a little while longer until I sit down a bench near the end of the back. I take out my phone and text my mum, she was at work so I couldn't call her. 

At the corner of my eyes I noticed a girl around my age staring at me, I just brushed it off though. Soon later she began walking towards me so I took out one of my earphones.

"Excuse me, can I sit?" She asked staring down at me. 


She sits down beside me and stares at her feet for a bit. I'm not gonna lie I did find it awkward, I don't know why but I feel like I know her. It was just a gut feeling really, She looked like an old friend.

"I'm sorry to sound like a creep, but were you in St. Marys secondary school?" She asked snapping her head in my direction.

"Yeah ?" I reply, a little freaked out about how she knew the name of my school.

"Is your name... Em Shannon? If so then  we were in 1st and 2nd year together before I moved !" She said smiling flashing her now straight teeth.

I think about it for a couple of moments, I try to remember her face. Suddenly in dawned on me.

"Kelsie?" I say suspiciously.  

"Yeah !" She exclaimed, she smiled widely showing off her perfect teeth.

I take in her features. She's about two inches taller than me. Skinny, dark hair which was to her shoulders and pale skin. She was really pretty, when I remembered her she had braces and her was frizzy, she was bullied a lot. So me and Kate were nice and began talking to her in school.

"Did you move here ?" She asked.

"Um nope, traveling" I said, taking out my other earphone.

"You have to let me show you around !" She cheered, she seemed nice.

"Sure, when?"

"Now ! " she grabbed my wrist and pulled me up.

"Um are you sure I mean" I staggered as she pulled me quickly.It would be nice to catch up ith an old friend.

"We need to catch up!"


"You have to see the mall!" She says as we walk into the large shopping center. During the last hour I spent with Kelsie I began to find out more about, she was so nice, just as I remember her.

"You've an accent now" I smile trying to make conversation, I was sort of bad keeping conversations going sometimes.

"Yeah I guess I picked it up" Kelsie giggled.

We went into a few shops I bought a pair of mint green converse and a band shirt while Kelsie bought perfume and makeup. I decided to buy Kate a sorry present. I got her the new '1D' perfume. I knew she would love the smell, so I had to get it for her.

"Wanna go eat?" Kelsie asked, as we walked around the third level.

"Sure" I agreed. I was pretty hungry so food would be good.

We were on our way to McDonald's which was on the second level, Someone rapped mine and Kelsie's shoulder making is spin around.

"Why hello ladies" A very familiar voice said.

It was Luke. My face dropped I thought I had seen the last of him, the other day. But I guess I was wrong, so very wrong.

"Hi Luke" Kelsie smiled widely at his present.

Wait she knows this asshole, well of course she would he lives in the same city as her.

"And who's this little cutie " he bent down a bit to match my height, Even though I was to his chest.

"Oh hahaha " I roll my eyes, scoffing.

"This is Shannon, a friend from Ireland" she told Luke.

"Ohhh really" He smirked, acting like he had never met me. He was acting so nice, I found it suspicious. The first time we met he almost took my head off.

I needed to think of an excuse because I didn't want to hang put with him. I quickly thought of one.

"Hey, Kelsie I gotta get back to Kate , I'll call you ?" I announce, she said yeah and gave me a hug.

Just as I was walking off I felt someone pinch my butt. I turn around to see Luke smirking at me, it looked like Kelsie didn't see because she was too busy typing away on her phone. My face heated up, I was kinda mad I guess but I just left it at that. He smacked my ass ? I roll my eyes then walked away. Leaving them to talk.


"Your forgiven !" Kate chuckled as I handed her the perfume, I knew she'd have to forgive me sooner or later.

"Do you remember Kelsie from st.Marys ?" I ask her sitting down onto the couch, sighing. I was exhausted, I'm pretty lazy, i'd rather stay at home most of the time if I'm honest.

"Yeah she moved ?"

"Yeah, I met her. Then we ran into ...Luke" I said.

"Dick head Luke ?" Kate's eyes widen, as I told her. She clearly remembered him, how could you forget such a rude person?

"Yes" I sighed. "Hopefully its the last time though"

.......twice in one day. Sorry its so short. As you read on it will get better. Vote, hope you liked this chapter.

War Of Love ~ Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now