Chapter 10.

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Shannon's POV .

Today had come. Me and Daniels date. I put on my outfit which was a long wine skirt and a cream shirt, I put on my golden sandles and got Kate to do my nails after I had a quick shower.

I straightened my hair and left it down. I decided to wear some makeup. Hey ? Its not gonna kill me to dress up.

"Kate" I say walking into her room. "Can I use some of your makeup brushes mine are shit ?"


I sit on her desk and start applying some foundation with her Mac brush.

"You must like him ?" I can see her grin through the mirror.

"Yeah I guess so" I smile.

"Have fun" Kate coughed.

Kate's been sick for a week now. The doctor said she has a bug or something. I feel kinda bad leaving her by herself but she begged me to go.

I hear a car honk outside. Luckily I had finished doing my makeup.

"Bye" I say to Kate as I leave.


Kate's POV .

I lay in bed, a mountain of tissue lay beside me. I've been sick for the past week. I have a bug and a blocked nose. Yay I love been sick it's so much fun, not.

I'm watching pretty little liars when I hear a knock on the door.Maybe if I ignore it they would go away. Knock Knock. I guess not. I crawl out of my bed and walk towards the door.


"I'm coming !" I yell harshly. I was wearing sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, I was yo lazy and sick to dress up.

I open the door to reveal Jai, why does he always have to get me at bad times? I look like shit.

"Jai?" I ask.

He takes a double look at me. SHIT I'm wearing sweats and no makeup and my hairs in a bun, I probably looked like an ogre.

"Can I come in?" He asked, staring my face again.

"Yeah just let me do my makeup" I say about to turn around.

"No" he cuts me off. "You look fine without it"

"I'm sick, I wouldn't want you to catch it" I reply.

"I wouldn't mind if I got sick" He smiled walking in and shutting the door.

"Um wanna go out or something?" I ask him as he sits on the couch.

"Nah we can stay here" He pats the seat beside him.

I study his features. His dark brown quiffed hair, His black skinny jeans with his brown combat boots. He has two freckles under his right eye which I think is cute. But the thing I like most is his cheesy smile.

"Let's watch a movie" He announced getting up of the sofa and putting some DVD Intl the RV.

"A horror movie?"

"Don't worry if your scared you can hug into me" He smiles, Cheekily. Jai seems to be acting different, but I ignored it.

"I'm not scared" I laugh slightly.

"Dang it I was kinda hoping you were" He winks sitting back down. Did he just flirt with me?

I feel my cheeks heat up. Hopefully he doesn't notice. I press play on the movie and we both sit in silence, the one question kept running through my mind. My thoughts got the better of me, I paused the money and turned around to him.

"Why'd you come over?"

"I wanted to check on you" He sighed taking off his beanie.. "I'm really sorry I hit you"

"Its fine, as long as we're friends " I insist looking at him. I had forgotten he had hitten me, I did hurt but I got over it.

"No its not if I could take it back I would, no man should hit a girl" Jai looked down at his hands.

"Your not the only dude that hit a girl" I say truthfully.

"I know. But I don't wanna be another Luke !" He frowned.

"Your no where near Luke " I smiled, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Did it hurt ?" Jai looked up, with nervous eyes.

"No, you hit like a girl" I laughed lying. I wasnt going to make him feel worse by telling him it hurt.

"Okay let's see will this hurt " He says pouncing on me.

He attacks me by tickling me. I scream, squirm and laugh all at once, if that's possible.

"J- J- ai " I scream and laugh.

"Yeah baby scream my name, let the neighbors hear" He yelled loudly. He winked, tickling under my armpits.

"Your a dirty pig!" I pant. "Our neighbours are an old couple"

"You love it" He laughed back.

He was straddling me. He kept tickling me for another few minutes until he stopped, he was now tired but he stayed in the same position.
We were both out of breath.

"Can I tell you something" He whispered.

I nod my head slightly.

"I know what you said that day in the store. I'm the hottest in the store" He says, looking down on me.

I instantly begin blushing, I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have said that.

"Its okay" He smiles.

He licked his bottom lip then slowly lowered himself down. Our lips just seconds away from mine. Our lips connected. We kissed. I'm kissing JAI FUCKING BROOKS.


War Of Love ~ Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now