Chapter 33.

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         Shannon's POV

Today was the day when I meet Luke's mom, I was pretty nervous. I mean I don't even know what to say. What if she's expecting to meet a swimsuit model. What if she hates me, I tried to think positive as best as I could but I just couldn't.

I straightened out the creases in my  navy knee length dress (it's not a tight dress) , I decided not to dress up too much, but I did want to make a first good impression so I wore a dress. I added my navy flats to the outfit too, I didn't need to wear a jacket as the dress had sleeves down to my elbows.

I left my hair straight and done my usual light makeup now all I had to do was wait for Luke to pick me up.

Before he dropped me home Beau had a go at us for making them noises which embarrassed Georgia, she didn't think anyone heard. Me and Luke held in our laughter as Beau basically gave us the sex talk.

I sat on the bed texting my mam for a bit, she knew I was meeting Gina and she was telling me to relax. It's easy for her to say, she was always outgoing while I'm shy around adults.

A knock came to the door and I jumped up and rushed to the door. Luke was smiling as usual, he was wearing some khaki pants and a white polo shirt with his white vans.

"You look great" Luke breathed out staring at my dress.

"Really, do you think it's too much?" I asked scrunching my face as I looked down on my outfit, which I was having second thoughts about.

"No its amazing, Are you ready?"

"Yep" I replied locking the door behind me, then we began walking down the hall and out into the fresh air.

"My mom can't wait to meet you" Luke said taking my hand in his as we walked down the street.

"I'm nervous, what if she doesn't like me " I frowned, looking down on the dull pavement.

"How could she not like you?" He gasped shocked at my statement. "You're amazing, she'll love you"

"Thanks, I hope so" I sighed as we turned into a small neighbourhood.

The houses were small looking, many of them were little bungalows but some where two stories. Luke led me to his mom's house and we walked in the door.

"Mom!" Luke called out.

The first thing I noticed was a hole in the wall. Kate had told me that was Luke so there was no point in saying anything.

A women with dark hair and tan skin appeared in the hall. She pulled her son in for a hug then hugged me. At first I didn't know what to do but then I hugged back.

"Hey Shannon, I'm Gina"She smiled widley. She seemed nice so far which was good.

"Hey Gina" I said returning the smile.

"Luke you're a lucky man, she's beautiful!" she gasped as I blushed.

"Mom" Luke said before speaking again. "I know"

"Do you want tea?" She asked us both. We both said yes and we went into the small kitchen.

"So Shannon what brings you to Melbourne? " She asked giving us our tea before sitting down.

"Me and Kate wanted to travel but we decided to stick around here" I replied taking small sip of my tea.

"Ah how's Ireland?"

"Um it's okay, the grass is really green there" I said, not knowing what to say.

"Mom stop" Luke muttered.

War Of Love ~ Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now