Chapter 27.

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Shannon's POV

Luke stayed over last night, he didn't plan to but we both fell asleep during the film. I had finally realised I had feelings for Luke, but I don't want to get to attached as we have to leave in just over a month. But we can always come back.

I crawled off Luke's chest, who was sleeping peacefully. His mouth hung open a little bit as he let out light snores. His curly hair was messy which I found cute. After staring at him for a while I walk over to the kitchen.

I poured myself a bowl of coco pops and a glass of juice, I was starving, Even though it was only nine in the morning. I heard the door open and soon Kate came into view.

"Morning " I greet, sitting down on the breakfast bar.

"Morning" She yawned turning on the kettle, then sat down beside me. "I see you had a sleepover" She cocked an eyebrow.

"He came over and admitted alot of stuff, I forgave him. I mean I found it cute. We kissed, then I told him I didn't want to rush things. He totally understud then we fell asleep" I recap stuffing a spoon of cereal into my mouth.

"So you like him?" She retorted, forgetting that the kettle had turned off. She was too interested in the gossip I had to tell.

"I think I do" I smiled looking over at him, our kitchen and living room are joint.

I was just worried about getting too attached then when we leave I'd be mopping about and all depressed.

"I know what your thinking about" Kate interrupted my thoughts. "I know you're worried about leaving him, I'm worried about leaving Jai too"

"I just don't want to get too attached then be all heartbroken when we leave" I admitted looking down on my now soggy half eaten cereal.

"We could always come back, I mean we could cancel the rest of the trip and stay here for the two years" Kate suggested.

"That's a good idea, but let's not decide right now" I replied, Kate agreed to this. I mean would we really put our life long dream on hold just for some guys? I don't really know.

There was a knock on the door, I jumped up to get it. Who would be here at nine am I thought to myself. I opened the door to see a smiling Beau, he pushed past me and came into our apartment.

"Guess what?!" he squealed like a teenage girl. He didn't even give us time to guess he just jumped into it. "Georgia is coming here! I couldn't afford to go to her over my shitty job, but she said she'd scrap together money for her ticket!"

"Aw Beau I'm so happy for you" I say truthfully. He seems so fond of her and the way he talks about her you can tell she must be nice.

"Thanks guys I just needed to tell someone" He said loudly, Beau can never talk quitely, I don't know why.

"Beau shut the fuck up!" Luke groaned from the couch.

"You shut the fuck up!" Beau retorted, doing a sassy hand gesture.

"I gotta shower, peace out fuckers" I announced leaving the room.

After my shower u got changed into some yoga pants and a tank top. I just threw my damp hair into a bun, not bothered as to what I looked like.

"Shan" Lukes voice said as he knocked on the bedroom door.

"Come in" I called, straight away he walked in and sat on the bed.

"I wanted to ask you on a date" He said nervously playing with his hands.

"No" I say bluntly. Luke looked taken aback by my comment, so I began chuckling. "Of course"

"Really!" he said excitedly, then clearing his throat. "So I was thinking tonight at eight?"

"A little short notice but sure" I smiled.

"Great, it's only eleven so we can hang out for a while " he grinned widley.

"Sure what do you wanna do?" I asked.

"This" He replied pulling me onto his lap, then connected our lips. I couldn't help but smile into the kiss and so did Luke, it felt amazing. I pulled away after a couple of minutes.

"I've been waiting to do that all morning" he said breathless.

"I've been waiting for you to do that all morning " I smiled, our foreheads touching.

"I cannot wait to finally call you my girl" he blurted out.

"Aww Luke " I blushed, covering my face with my hands.

"Don't" he said pulling my hands away from my face. "I find it cute when you blush"

"I find it cute when you smile" I said, soon regretting it as I probably sounded like a creep.

"Thanks" he chuckled.

"let's just listen to music and cuddle" Luke suggested, lying down on the bed and pulling me onto his chest. He grabbed his phone and put on some Ed Sheeran. He began to trace circles on my thigh which I found relaxing. My eyelids began to get heavy and before I knew it I was asleep.

......Okay so listen up, The sequel is going to be drama filled, I cannot wait for y'all to read it. I have 600 reads that you so much, plus do you like how Shannon and Luke are sortha dating??? Sorry this chapter is short, but the next one will be longish! Vote, comment and follow me

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