Chapter 24.

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Shannon's POV

I was left standing there in the middle of the park. The sun had set a couple of minutes ago. I was just frozen, I didn't know what to do or to feel.

My heart felt crushed but I don't even know why, I never had any feelings for Luke. Well why was I feeling like this. I still couldn't get sound the fact that Luke had kissed me. Luke.. I don't even know anymore. Today had went so well and it was ruined.

I didn't even realize it was raining until my clothes were soaked, I took a deep breath in and checked the time on my phone. It read 9.13 pm. I should get home.

I could hear the splashing sound as my feet touched the wet pavement. I took my time walking to the apartment, I wasn't in any rush to get home.

The same thoughts kept on filling my mind. What was Luke doing? How was he feeling? He seemed annoyed and upset when he left.

Within minutes I was now face to face with my apartment door. I think I stared at it for a couple of minutes. I unlocked the door then walked into the apartment.

After placing my keys down on the small stand I hear some footsteps come close to me. I jolt my head upwards and look at the figure which belonged to Jai. He reminded me of Luke, even though they had many differences. The thought of Luke brang me to more tears.

I probably look a right mess right now, my hair had begun to go frizzy from the rain and my clothes were drenched. My mascara most likely covered my red cheeks.

"Shannon..what's wrong?" He asked talking a step closer to me.

"Luke" I managed to say through the tears.

Jai's face softened and before I knew it he was hugging me. Jai never really knows what to do so he usually just hugs someone. Beau on the other hand was great with advice.

"What did he do?" He asked quitely.

"Jai where are you? Oh my gosh Shan what's wrong? " I heard Kates voice.

I looked over at her, her hair was wet so I assumed she was in the shower. The look of concern and sorrow filled her face.

"Let's get you cleaned up, Jai put on a pizza" Kate said leading me to the bathroom. "Take a relaxing bath, then we'll talk"

She filled the bath with hot water and added a bathroom. After leaving the room she returned with pajamas and a fluffy towel.

I tried not to think about today's events as I cleaned myself but I couldn't help let my mind wander to them thoughts. I only spent ten minutes in the bath, I didn't want to stay any longer. I quickly dried off and got changed. I took one look at myself in the mirror. I looked a mess, my eyes were blood shot and red.

"So what happened" Kate said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Me and Luke went out, it was going all good. We had fun, the day went amazing if I'm honest. Then he kissed me" My voice trailed off. "I found out that he got into the bed with me one night when I was sleeping and he got me them flowers"

Kate and Jai didn't seem surprised by the last comment I made, but that was the last of my worries right now. I stared at the plate of pizza Jai had cooked. It was a bit burned, so I didn't eat much. I was in no mood to eat right now.

"You shouldn't have been so hard on him, he must really like you if he went to the trouble. Plus you and Daniel aren't officially a thing" Jai pointed out.

"I know but ugh" I groan running my hands through my damp hair.

"Shan" Kate said sighing. "You're waiting for something that probably won't happen. If Daniel really cared about you yous would be dating by now"

War Of Love ~ Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now