Chapter 11.

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Shannon's POV .

"You look nice" Daniel smiles.

"Aw thank you"

"No problem" he said starting the car. "Jai said he was gonna check on Kate"

"Why?" I ask cocking an eyebrow.

"I dunno he said he was only staying for five minutes though" He stated.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Dinner at papias " He replied moving the steering wheel.

"Isn't that like expensive?" I say.

"Yeah" he said not taling his eyes of the road.

"You don't have to take me there" I smile looking him.

"I want to" he insisted placing a hand on my knee.

We drive for another ten minutes until we reach our destination. Daniel stops the car and we both get out.


"I'll take the chicken with some potatoes on the side" I smile to the waitress.

"When are you going back to Ireland ?" He asked taking a sip of his water.

"2 months and 11 days" I reply.

"I'd love to visit Ireland" He smiles.

"Its not really that great, I love it here " I say to him.

"Nah its crap here" He argues.

We talk for another five or so minutes then the food came. It was delicious. I ate every single bit. For dessert we had cheese cake.

"The bill is 50 bucks. I can't let you pay !" I gasp.

"Too late" He winks taking my hand and leading me out of the restaurant.

We go on a walk around the city. Gosh its so pretty. The lights are amazing.

We notice about three girls are following us and staring at us. They look about 14. A few moments later they approach us.

"Hi, em are you Daniel from the Janoskians ?" A tall black haired girl asked.

"Yeah ?" Daniel smiles.

"Omg we are huge fans" Cheers the small red head.

"Can we have a photo, and can yous follow us on twitter?" The skinny small brunette asked.

"Sure" Daniel smiles widely.

I offer to take it and they agree. I take two each on all the girls phones and one on Daniels. He looked so happy with them girls. He got their twitter names and hugged them before they rushed off.

"Woah" He gasps.

"You have fans" I smile.

"I know ! Its amazing !" He grinned taking a hold of my hand.

I wonder how Luke's date is going. Are they having fun? What are they doing ? He probably took her to burger king or some other place like that.

"I still can't believe me and the boys have fans" He says as we were driving back to my place.

"Its crazy" I agree as we pull up in the parking lot.

"Thanks for tonight" I smile, pecking his lips and getting out.

I walk up to my apartment and unlock the door. Suddenly I hear a loud thud. I walk in to see Jai on the floor holding his arm. He looks at Kate confused then looks at me.

"What you doing there" I asked setting my bag down.

"We were playing mercy, and I won" Kate replied as Jai got back up.


"I should get back" Jai said.

"Bye" Me and Kate say in unison.

As soon as he shuts the door I turn to Kate.

"What really happened" I smirk.

"I told you"

"Your lieng"

"I'm not !" She defended.

"Okay, I'm going to bed" I announce leaving the room.

I didn't believe Kate at first but now I do. She tells me everything and I mean everything. That's what best friends do.

Jai's POV .

I didnt know why Kate pushed me off as we were kissing. As soon as I saw Shannon I knew why.

The kiss felt good. She looked really pretty in sweats and no makeup.

When our lips connected I didn't want to stop. I knew I had to. No I don't like Kate in that way. I like the Kate who wears sweats and no makeup. But I don't like the Kate who wears three layers of makeup.

I walk back to the boys house and act as if nothing happened. No I don't want them to know. I go straight to my bed and go on twitter.

I haven't been on twitter in about two weeks. Woah ! I have 7k followers now! I follow about 20 back then tweet before going asleep.

Daniels POV.

Today was great with Shannon. It could have gone a bit better but We had a lovely time. I still cannot believe we have fans.

"Boys" I say to James and Beau as I walk into the living room.

"Yeah" Beau looks up.

"We have fans" I smile.

"I know we have like 6 there's one right over there" James replied pointing to a fan in the corner.

"No not that" I tutted at him. "I mean girl fans ! They stopped us and asked me for a pic"

"What really " Beau gasped.

"Yeah !"

"Oh my fucking god, that's like I can't even get around it" James said.

"Its crazy, our videos are actually getting some attention" I smile sitting down.

War Of Love ~ Luke BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now