chapter 1

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Y/n was about to go to bed when she heard the ambulance outside the academy.. 'what the hell?..' she thought. she decided to get out of her bed and see what was going on. pogo the caretaker was outside her bedroom about to knock when she opened it. he looked at the physically young girl shocked that she was actually able to move. she had a confused expression on her face. pogo smiled slightly at the girl who hadn't showed any emotion in the last 17 years.

"Pogo??.... what's going on??" Pogo stared at her shocked. did she not know? "Ms.Y/n? have you not heard?" he said softly trying not to worry her. lucky for him it didn't worry her. it only made the situation more confusing to her. "heard about what?...." she said regretting it almost right after she saw his expression. he sighed at the question, not knowing how to answer the girl..
"Ms. Y/n," he started walking into her bedroom motioning for her to follow. she did so but after looking out of her bedroom door one more time to see what was happening.

They sat on the girls bed, Pogo started looking around. he hadn't been in the girls bedroom since she was actually the age she looks. he smiled at the memory of her and her siblings playing in their free time their adoptive father gave them when they weren't training. he looked at the girl, trying to figure out what she was feeling. all he could find was confusion.. he sighed once more. "i don't really know how to put this Ms. Y/n....... but uhm.." he said building the tension only making the girl even more curious....

"You're father...... is sadly..." he sighed not wanting to finish the sentence. "...he is no longer with us..." the talking ape said to the girl. she replied with a shocked expression on her face. "What?.." the girl said. her eyes became glossy as she went back through the terrible memory's her father gave her. she shook her head in disbelief trying not to accept the fact that he was really gone.. "there's no way..."she said.

"Sadly... it is the truth. i am very sorry for you're loss..." she looked at the ape, confused on why he wasn't showing more emotion. dad was his best friend. he gave her a friendly smile, he opened his arms to hug the girl. she softly smiled and accepted the hug.

she smiled in the hug. it had been a long time since she felt human contact. i mean it had only been 17 years since she closed everyone out. she didn't want to get attached afraid of what might happen ever since five. she didn't even realize she was crying until pogo started tapping her back in comfort. she pulled away from the hug wiping her tears. "i- i'm sorry......" she said looking at the chimp. "i don't know what came over me- i mean it's been so lo-" "it's okay Ms. Y/n..... it's okay to have emotions sometimes.." the ape said cutting her off. she nodded her head in agreement. he smiled at her patting her shoulder before standing up to leave the room.

"Well i guess i'd better call you're siblings. tell them the news..." he said as he got up. the girl shook her head sadly as he walked to the door. he turned the doorknob exiting the room and right as he was about to close the door, he heard the girl call for him. "Yes, Ms. Y/n?" he asked opening the door. "I'm sorry that i've shut everyone out for so long, and i've been so mean to you over these years... i guess it was everyone leaving me. i was so rude to you when you didn't do anything." she had her hands in her lap fiddling with her thumbs as she looked down at her hands not wanting to see his reaction. "It's okay.. like I said...... it's okay to have emotions sometimes. everyone deals with them in different ways. yours was on you're own, and although i didn't really respect you're decision by coming in here checking up on you. i'm very proud on how far you've come." he said smiling as the girl looked up at him. tears rolling down her cheeks. she gave him a weak smile. "Goodnight Y/n.." he said beginning to close the door "Goodnight Pogo.." she said getting under the covers slightly falling asleep. the ape looked at her for a second. "i'm glad you're back." he whispered shutting the door, trying not to disturb the tired girl. she smiled at the comment. she then started thinking about five, all the good memory's they shared together.... this made her smile even bigger. sooner or later before she even realizes. she had fallen asleep.

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