chapter 7

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i woke up to fives arm around me with me facing towards the door. i turned and looked at five. all the memory of last night flooding in. i bit my lip remembering what had happened. i tried to pry his arms off of me to get up and get ready. my strength was nothing compared to his. i sighed flipping my body towards him shaking him slightly. he groaned furrowing his eyebrows. "we gotta wake up five..." i told him shaking him slightly. he flipped to his back and put his arm over his eyes because of the sunlight. i wiggled my body in his grip and scooted up to his face and kissed his nose softly. "nope" he told me facing towards me with his eye still closed gripping my waist and pulling me closer. i kissed his forehead hoping it would be enough to wake him up. "nope." he said tiredly.

i kissed his cheek in hopes that he'll get up. "it's going to take more than a couple kisses to wake me up princess." when he said that butterflies woke up and started flying, punching, kicking, everything. i then kissed his lips softly and his eyes finally started flickering open. "there.." i said playing with his hair. "no.... it's still going to take a bit more.." he said cuddling into the crook of my neck. "well how am i supposed to kiss you if you're hiding?.." i asked him trying to adjust myself to look at him. "exactly.." he said sleepy. i giggled and continued to play with his hair. "c'mon five... we need to get ready and find the bastard who looses an eye and causes the end of the world." i told him still playing with his hair. "five more minutes!!" he told me in a demanding tone.

"no now!" i told him moving my head to look at him. when i finally succeeded i smiled and kissed him softly. to which he returned the same energy by kissing me back. gripping my waist pulling me even closer if it was even possible. i then flipped us and got on top of him. "round two?" he asked putting his hands on my thighs. looking me up and down biting his lip. "no.. round one of getting you up and out of that door to go find out who that eye belongs too.... also i'm pretty sure we need a shower and clean up a little." i said kissing him last one time before getting off of him and putting on one of his pajama shirts. i walked out of his door and went into my room where i got a new uniform to put on when i heard a whoosh type of sound behind me.

i didn't have the chance to turn around when i felt hands go around my waist. "maybe we could do it in the shower." he whispered in my ear causing me to bit my lip slightly at the offer. "no.. we have to get clean." i said turning to him and putting my hands around his neck. "also that's my shirt.." he said looking down at the shirt. "sorry.." i said reaching down to take it off. "no it's okay.... it's looks better on you anyways.." he whispered to me before kissing my cheek and teleporting back into his room. i chuckled softly taking my clean clothes in my hands and walking to the bathroom. i got in the bathroom and locked the door turning the water on and getting undressed before getting in the water and getting clean.

i then got out of the shower and brushed my hair and teeth, then i got dressed and walked out of the bathroom and into fives room where i changed the sheet and brought the dirty one down to the laundry room where i would clean it later. i went back up to fives room to see him on his bed shirtless and reading a book. "hey.." he said getting up and walking towards me kissing me. "hey" i said after pulling away from the kiss biting my lip. "alright... we better get going before we get interrupted.." i said grabbing his shirt and blazer throwing them at him. "you look really good in that skirt..." he told me softly as i picked stuff up in his room. "if this is you're way of getting 'round 2' then think again.."

i said putting his book on the book shelf, when i felt a pair of hands around my waist. "well it felt good didn't it?" he whispered in my ear sending chills down my spin. "yeah, but we have shit to do....." i said turning towards him before kissing him and walking past him out of the door. i noticed he wasn't following and went back to see what he was doing. "five i get that you're horny, but there are more important things right now than you getting laid, okay? andele!" i said walking back to the door. he looked at me nodding and following me out the door and to the place where the eye was made.

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