chapter 2

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I woke up to pogo waking me up, once again. "Ms. Y/n??..." he said as i took in a sharp breath trying to find out what was happening. i saw pogo and turned back around starring at the wall. i don't know what time or day it is but i don't really care. "..Ms. Y/n..... someone's here to see you." i felt him get off my bed and another person sat down. i didn't care to see who it was. "Y/n? it's uh- it's me." an unfamiliar voice said. "it's klaus..." i heard him say as he put a hand on my shoulder. i turned around to see his face. the only thing that changed was the eyebags and his beard. i looked at the hand on my shoulder. more specifically, the wrist. i saw a little white wristband on it and finally sat up and examined said wristband. i grabbed his hand as he tried to put it back in his pocket. "just out of the ambulance i'm guessing?..." i said as i let go of his hand and got up to brush my hair and teeth. "what?.... oh! that? it's uhh.. it's nothing. i've been doing better trust me." he said as he trailed behind me as i walked to the bathroom i usually used. i knocked just in case since my siblings were home. i heard a faint 'i'm in here' and groaned turning back to kluas. he had a wide smile on his face that i kinda missed. 'don't get attached Y/n'.. "so..." kluas said obviously wanting to start a conversation. "how are you?... i mean- other than yanno." he said gesturing to my small figure. i looked down and sighed "considering you all left me and didn't even bother trying to keep in contact, i would say i'm just peachy." i said sarcastically rolling my eyes and turning back to the door waiting for whoever that was in there to come out. "well i don't really think i had a choice now did i?" kluas said making me turn back to face him.

he was right. he really didn't have a choice. after dad kicked him out he didn't give him a chance to get a job. (plz don't hate me idk if that actually happened but it seems like something reggie would do so just go along with it plz😃) give him a chance at a- maybe normal life. he put his hands in his pockets and looked at me. i just starred at him wanting him to get uncomfortable and leave. thankfully that happened. "ok- well i'm gonna go check some more of the house i haven't been able to see yet. so see ya." "you
mean you're gonna go look for something to sell or pawn for drug money." he looked at me shocked. "well that's not entirely true..." he said rubbing the back of his neck. i starred at him with one eyebrow raised. eventually he broke. "ok. ok. fine.... you caught me. feel better now?" he said pointing at me. "much." i said rolling my eyes looking back at the door waiting for it to open.

"wanna help me?" kluas said with excitement in his voice jumping up and down slightly. i scoffed walking away. i looked for another bathroom that might have a hairbrush. after finally finding one i went to the bathroom and then brushed my hair. i looked under the sink to see if there was a tooth brush i could use. after finding one and some toothpaste i brushed my teeth. after i finished i went to look for kluas. 'where would the most value be..' i thought to myself as i walked past dads office hearing voices. "just out of rehab?" i heard alison say as i walked up next to the doorway to listen. it's not eavesdropping.... it's just curiosity. "oh. that. don't worry about it." "kluas what are you doing in here?" alison said annoyance clear in her voice. "oh. uhm.. i just came in here to see if the old man was really gone........... and he is!" he said the last part clapping. "yayyyyy!!" he said clapping and jumping. i decided to stand in the doorway to see if they'd notice me. thankfully they didn't. "you want to know how i know he's dead?" he asked alison. alison shrugged her shoulders not really caring ".. because we wouldn't be able to step foot in this room." alison chuckled softly as he made odd hand movements sitting down in dads old chair.

i remember all the times me and five used to come in here trying to figure out why dad was in here so much. i was snapped out of my thoughts when i heard kluas say "i'm glad he isn't our biological father so we didn't inherit those cold dead eyes" he said opening his eyelids even more with his fingers "AHHHHHHH!" he said and i giggled softly.

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