chapter 4

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i walked over to my window and looked out of it trying to see what was happening. i saw a weird blue light and ran out of my room and downstairs to be met with my siblings starring at a weird black hole type thing. "What is it?!" diego yelled over the wind. "I don't know!! looks like some type of anomaly. that or a black hole!!" luther yelled back. "pretty big difference there paul bunion!!" diego yelled at luther before kluas ran up behind us with a fire extinguisher, he tried spraying it like it was a fire and then gave up. throwing it into the hole. he stepped back next to me. "what the fuck is that supposed to do??" i scream asked him over all the wind. "I don't know!!! do you have a better idea??" he yelled back. i rolled my eyes my attention going back to the thing in front of us.

i looked around watching the wind pick up the leaves and small things. i think i saw a cat. i decided to try and calm down the winds with my powers. i moved it so it wasn't around me and my siblings. the black hole/ anomaly thing started zapping and electrocuting things. luther and diego went in front of all of us disturbing my powers and concentration. "get behind me!" "yeah get behind us!" luther and diego said after a few seconds of the wind still going on.

i went i front of luther and diego. "Y/N!!!!!" diego yelled trying to get me back behind the group when luther held him back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?! ARE YOU CRAZY SHE COULD DIE!!!" diego yelled at luther trying to get out of his grip. "I'm fine diego!! just trust me on this!" i yelled at diego. he hesitated for a second before nodding his head agreeing with me. i put my hands in front of me trying to close the hole and controlling the wind so my siblings wouldn't get hurt. suddenly everything stopped and i heard something fall a little bit in front of me.

i opened my eyes to see what fell. a person? more specifically a boy. he started standing up brushing off the dust from his oversized suit. i looked at him immediately recognizing him. my mouth fell open as i heard my siblings walking up behind me. "is it just me, or do you guys see a little. number five too?" kluas asked the group. five looked down at this small figure before looking up again. "shit." he said softly. he looked at the group. his eyes assessing everyone and how they've changed. then his eyes fell upon me. i could feel the tears streaming down my face. i stood there shocked. he smiled a little bit. i speed walked towards him. i stopped right in front of him.

just as he put his arms out for a hug, i slapped him. harder than i expected. his face shot to the side along with his hand to comfort his reddening cheek. i heard gasps coming from behind me i think i even heard diego say "oh shit." but i honestly didn't care.

he looked at me shocked, "why'd you do that" he asked me wanting an explanation. "Why'd i do that?... why'd i do that?!" i yelled asked him walking closer. "i did that because you're a dick five hargreeves! i told you to not time travel! but you did it anyways!! you thought you had to!! do you know how much you hurt me?? i ended up starving myself for weeks at a time. i closed everyone out scared to get attached because i didn't want to have what happen to them what i thought happened to you! i thought i was worthless for the longest time! I stopped fucking growing because you wanted to leave me! i started doing SO many things to myself... i started harming myself..." i told him crying walking closer to him.

"all because you wanted to fucking time travel..." i told him crying even harder now. he stood there shocked at what i just said. he didn't even know what to say. i scoffed and rolled my eyes. "pathetic....." i said before turning invisible and running up to my room.

(when five left) 

i woke up to five shaking me. i rubbed my eyes and looked out my window. it was still dark outside. "five? what are you doing? also what time is it?" i asked looking at my alarm clock. [2:18 am] "Five it's 2 o' clock in the morning what are you doing?" i asked looking at him. he looked excited. he smiled which made the butterflies in my stomach come alive and swim around. "i think i figured it out!" he whispered to me. "figured what out?" i whispered back. "i don't know... what have i been talking about for the past month and a half."

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