chapter 5

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i went into the kitchen to find something to eat because i couldn't fall asleep. i walked into the kitchen to see kluas with his feet on the table with a guitar in his hands. i was searching the counters and cupboards when i felt a presence next to me. i didn't care who it was, thinking it was kluas i quickly went through the cupboards another time. when i couldn't find anything i groaned and sat at the table putting my head in my hands. i looked to my side to see kluas still sitting in the position he was before i started ransacking the kitchen. i looked behind me and saw five looking through the cupboards as well. i took kluas's drink from in front of him and took a swig. my face scrunched up at the taste.

i put the cup back down in front of kluas when alison entered the room "have any of you seen vanya?" she asked going through her purse looking for what i am guessing her keys. "i think she left.." i told her with my head still in my hands. "that's unfortunate." five said. "yeah..." kluas said softly. "100 square ft, 43 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms but not a single drop of coffee." five finished his small rant by putting an empty coffee pot on the table standing next to me. "you know dad didn't like coffee." alison said proving a point. "he didn't like kids either, but yanno.." kluas said gesturing to us 4. i giggled at the statement.

after a few moments of a comfortable silence five said "i'm taking the car." turning around like he was going to jump. "where are you going?" alison asked kinda concerned. "to get a decent cup of coffee." five said aggressively turning back around. "do you even know how to drive??" alison asked him with more concern in her voice. "i know how to do everything." five said. anger evident in his voice. he turned around about to jump once again before he stopped himself and turned to me tapping my shoulder. i looked at him and he leaned down to me. "i need to talk to you." he whispered in my ear before blinking us into the car. "What the fuck??" i almost yelled at him.

he covered my mouth with his hand causing me to lean my back against the door. "shhhhh. just trust me." he said in a soft voice leaning back into his seat turning on the car and driving away. after a few moments of awkward silence, i broke it. "where are we even going." i asked crossing my arms looking out the window in annoyance. "remember that doughnut place we used to go to as kids?" he told me in a soft voice. i loosened my arms a little bit and turned to look at him. i looked at his perfect face. he was smirking as he looked back at me for a second immediately gluing his eyes to the road right after. the rest of the ride i looked out the window appreciating the view i hadn't seen in a long time.

we got to griddy's and five turned off the car sitting there for a few moments. as i went to open my door he broke the silence. "wait. i wanna ask you some questions first.." he told me facing his body towards me. "we can do that in the diner." i said opening my door walking across the street and into the doughnut shop. i walked in and smelled the doughnuts already. five walked in after me and sat at the counter ringing the bell impatiently. i saw down next to him and looked at the display case of doughnuts with my arms leaning on the counter. "okay... so. why are you still young? or well why do you still look young?" he asked me causing me to look at him. i looked down at my arms.

"i don't know.." i sighed looking at his confused face. "me and dad tried to figure it out but..... we never did." i told him rolling down my sleeves because i did want him to see my cutting boards. "okay..... did you grow and then shrink again or did you just stay the same?" he asked me wanting to know what happened. "i just stayed the same....... pogo says it was the stress from you leaving and then all the tests dad did on me, and i don't know...." i told him chuckling and the last bit as i put my head in my hands. "why do you still look young?" i asked him with my head still in my hands. "i must've got the math wrong..... delores said it didn't look right... i should've listened to her..."

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