chapter 3

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i walked up the stairs kinda mad that alison pissed Y/n off already. i mean, what the hell. do they not realize what she's been through? what she IS going through?? i mean where's you're humanity? i finally reached her door and tried the doorknob only to find out it was locked."Y/n??" no answer. i knocked a little louder hoping it'll wake her up. "Y/n?..." no answer.. i walked over to the bathroom 'maybe she's in there' i thought as i walked over. i knocked on the door. "Y/n?? hey uh- i know you're a little upset right now but luther wants a family meeting.." no answer... i stood there listening to see if there would be any movement. there wasn't. i tried the doorknob. locked. i walked back over to her room and knocked again. "Y/n??" i asked a little panicked. i sighed trying to avoid this for as long as i could. i grabbed one of the knives off of my belt and opened the door to see her sleeping with her headphones in.

'damn. they got her that bad?' i thought to myself as i looked at the door annoyed. i walked over to the lifeless body and took a headphone out of one of her ears. "Hey.... Y/n....." i whispered shaking her slightly. "Y/n.." i said again shaking her. "no....." i heard her say. she started squinting her eyes too. "shit...." i said as i realized she was having a nightmare. she started crying, i ran out of the room calling for mom and pogo. lucky they were in the hallways talking. "mom!...... pogo!...... plz. i need you're help Y/n....." i said out of breathe. "what's going on diego?" mom said to me putting her hand on my shoulder. "Y/n....... she's having a nightmare..." pogo shook his head and him and mom went off to Y/n's room. i decided to go with them. we got into her room and she started crying even harder.. "no...., five.... diego.. vanya? anyone...," she said breathlessly. she gripped her blanket slightly. "shit. how bad have they gotten?" i asked pogo. he looked back at me worried. "this is the first one she's had in 4 years.." pogo said before turning his attention on the girl.

"Y/n??...... Y/n? can you hear me??" pogo asked slightly shaking her trying to calm her down. "pogo....." she cried. "why? why pogo? plz no." Y/n said. I furrowed my eyebrows as she said the words. 'what about pogo?' i thought. after her crying our names a couple times, mostly five, pogo, and i. she suddenly shot up. you could tell she was panicked. i then went to her and crouched next to her bed. i put my hand on her upper back and rubbed it slightly. she looked at me and her eyes were glossy. "holy shit.... Y/n, what happened?" i asked her.

——Y/N POV——

(i'll tell you when it's over if you wanna skip)

"holy shit...... Y/n, what happened?" diego asked me. i looked around my room, i was met with a worried pogo and a smiling mom. i tried to calm my breathing when i realized the rest of them were in my door way shocked. vanya was in the front of all of them. she walked into the room putting her hand on my back where diego's hand was. i put my hand on my chest and started crying even harder. i started shaking at this point also. vanya started shaking me slightly to get my attention. i looked at her and she put my hands in hers and started telling me to take deep breaths. i started to take deep shaky breaths as she ordered the rest of them to get various things.

my ears started ringing as i started shaking even more. i looked up to see alison running into the room with a cup of water. kluas following behind her with a towel. luther helped me up as my body started laying down again.

he helped me keep my body up as my hearing came back. my face and finger tips started to become numb as i felt like i was going to pass out. i could hear vanya calling my name. i opened my eyes and looked in front of me to see a worried vanya. "hey... hey, it's okay, just drink some water.... it'll help." she said handing me a glass of water. luther grabbed the water as i brought it up to my face bcs i was shaking so bad. i drank the whole cup in almost one gulp. luther took the cup out of my hands and handed it to pogo who put it on my desk.

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