chapter 10

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i walked down the hall to fives room. i knocked on his door, just in case. "come in." i opened the door to see five pulling his shirt over his arms and buttoning the buttons. "hey!" he said looking at me in the mirror before double taking me and finally turning his head to look at me. "woah..." he said facing his entire body towards me looking me up and down. "you like it?" i asked biting my lip slightly. "is it that noticeable?" he asked walking over to me grabbing my waist and pulling me closer, kissing my lips softly. i pulled away and smiled softly. "just a little." i added before sitting on his bed as he continued getting changed. "alright.." he said walking over to me grabbing my hand and pulling me after him as he walked through the house and to a taxi outside.

"i thought you knew how to drive.." i asked him confusedly as he got in the car closing the door. "i do." he said reaching in his pocket. searching around before he finally found what he was looking for, handing it to the driver and she started driving off. "so then why aren't we taking the car?.." i asked as he put his arm around my shoulder. "because we have to make sure we won't get caught." he said looking at me smirking. "okay?.... well can i at least know where we're going?" i asked looking at the road and back to him. "well.." he said taking his arm off my shoulder, putting his hand in his pocket. "that's for me to know, and you to find out." he told me before giving me a quick peck and looking out the window. i sighed looking out my window. the taxi driver tried to ask us questions but i think me and five made it clear we didn't wanna talk right now so she stopped asking questions.

after about 15-20 minutes the car stopped in front of a department store. "we're here.." the taxi driver said as five reached in his pocket and took out the money he owed the driver. i stepped out of the car and looked at the store. 'why are we here?' 'is it even open?'. it felt like a million questions were running through my head and they were stopped when i felt someone's presence beside me. i looked over to see five. "why are we here?" i asked him. "i have to introduce you to someone.." he told me running up to the door. he messed with the lock for a couple minutes before giving up and teleporting us inside. "i'll tell you when i find her... but for now you can either stay here or look around at stuff i don't know.." he told me walking off. "her?.." i asked myself softly, but with my luck he heard. "don't get jealous just yet.."

he told me before grabbing a flashlight and walking away. i sighed walking over to the counter grabbing a flashlight of my own and went to the women's section. i looked at jeans, skirts, dresses. i mean since dad is dead i don't really think he'll care what i wear. i picked out a few things before heading over to the men's section. i saw five looking at the mannequin display. "five?" he quickly turned around and rubbed the back of his neck. "what are you doing?" i asked walking a little closer to him. "why are you in the men's section?" he asked pointing his flashlight at the clothes next to him. "the hoodies are comfortable leave me alone." i said turning back to the rack of sweatshirts i was looking at. i took a sweatshirt off the rack and held it in front of me before putting it over my arm with the rest of the clothes i was going to get.

"are you even looking at the size?" he asked teleporting next to me. "no.." i chuckled looking a him. he licked his bottom lip looking away. "can i put this in you're bag?" i asked him pointing to the duffel bag on his back. "sure.." he told me giving me the bag. "are you even going to pay for any of that?" he asked me as i shoved the clothes in the bag. "why would i do that?... the worlds gonna end in a few days anyways so who cares?" i told him zipping up the bag. "true." he said putting his hands in his pockets, walking away. i put the bag on my back looking at five before looking at more clothes. i picked out a few more things, putting them in the bag as i went. "Y/n!" i heard five say. i popped my head from behind the clothes and looked at him. "yeah?" i asked. "come here.." he told me. i obeyed his order walking over to him. "i want you to meet delores.."

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