chapter 15

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i woke up the next morning to diego shaking me lightly. "Y/n?" i heard him say softly as i brought myself to my elbows. i looked around the room to see i was back in the house. "are you okay?" i looked around the room more to see that diego, alison, and kluas were in my room. "why am i inside?" i asked remembering i was in the training center. "we found you here this morning. what were you dreaming about. it was almost like you were reliving something?.." kluas said looking at the books on my bookshelf. "i was..." i said sitting up fully. "i was reliving when ben-......" i paused not wanting to cry so early in the morning. "you know what? it's fine. i'm all good." i said standing up walking towards my wardrobe.

i grabbed an outfit for that day and then went to the bathroom where i took a shower, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. i went back to my bedroom and read for a little bit, when my stomach growled. i sighed, put my book down and went out of my room to the stairs to which i climbed down to the kitchen. i sighed once more and went to the cupboards. "what are you doing?" i heard luthers voice from behind me. i swear i had jumped my body height from fear. i put my hand over my heart, scared it would pop out of my chest if i didn't. i turned to see him standing in the door way waiting for my answer. i gave him a look and put my hands at my sides.

"i'm looking for a will to live, what's it look like i'm doing?" i said annoyed before turning back to the cupboards. "i don't know." he said walking into the kitchen more. i rolled my eyes and continued to look around. i found a granola bar and sat down and the table. "okay well family meeting after your done with that." he said grabbing a piece of bacon from yesterday that sat out. "where?" i asked with my mouth stuffed with granola bar. "living room. duh." he said finishing the piece of bacon in once bite. i raised up my arm and gave him a thumbs up as he walked away. after i finished my granola bar i went to the fridge and grabbed the orange juice.

i poured a cup of it and drank it. after that i went to the living room and waited for my other siblings to get there. luther then walked in and gave me a cup. "what's this?" i asked. "hot coco." he said sipping his cup. "what do you have?" i asked sipping mine. "coffee, what do you think?" i rolled my eyes drinking more of my hot coco. sooner or later everyone started spilling into the room.

"alright so, i'm just going to be flat out, the worlds ending." luther said casually to which our siblings all reacted poorly. "really? you really had to say it like that??" i asked standing up. "wait you knew??" alison and diego asked me at the same time. "yeah i did. what about it?" i said sitting back down. "and you didn't tell me?"

diego asked. "no, you already had enough going on." i said drinking the rest of my hot coco. "and you didn't?" alison said. "whatever! the point is, fives gone. and the last time that happened it didn't end so well." luther said grabbing his coffee and putting it to his lips. "what do you mean 'last time'?" diego asked our brother to which luther mumbled something.

"excuse me?" diego said walking closer so he could hear luther better. luther cleared his throat and spoke a little louder but was still mumbling. "you need to speak up big guy." diego said walking closer to luther. "we all died.." i said catching everyone's attention. "and according to five we only have three days left." i said walking over to the bar to throw my cup away. "yeah but last time i checked five was a little" alison said whistling after, circling her temple to signal he's crazy. "our little phsyco." kluas said cheerfully. "whatever. the point is we need to stick together in order to survive this." luther said making a point.

there was a moment of silence before we heard a big whoosh and five fell from the ceiling on top of a suitcase on the bar. he then fell off of the bar and onto the ground. "are you okay?" alison asked as she helped him up. when he was up he grabbed her coffee and drank it. "so in order to survive we need to stick together alright? i acquired this from the handler." he said taking out a peice of paper from his pocket to which read 'protect harold jenkins' "who's harold jenkins?" diego asked what we were probably all thinking. "i don't know. but whoever he is he's the cause of the apocalypse. or else the handler wouldn't have written this task. so whoever he is we need to find him."

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