chapter 8

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we were in the office of the doctor we were talking to earlier and i got bored of him talking about how he can't give us information and shit like that. "i'm sorry but i simply can't help you." the doctor said looking at all three of us."bullshit." i said putting my hands on his desk and leaning on it. death glaring him. i could tell he was kinda scared because he tried not to look at me. i scoffed crossing my arms and walking a few steps away from the desk and over to five. "pussy..." i said softly. i heard five chuckle softly. as i turned back around to face the doctor. "i can't give you information unless the client gives consent.." the doctor told us carrying out that he won't tell us the name. "well we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." five said. anger evident in his voice.

i chuckled at his demeanor. "what about my consent?" kluas randomly said putting a hand over his heart. "what?" me, five, and the doctor. said in unison staring at the man. "you heard me.... who said you could touch my children?" kluas asked the man slightly crying. i then caught on and started to sob quietly. "i didn't touch you're children.." the doctor told kluas looking between me and five. "oh yeah?..... how come he has a swollen then?" kluas asked pointing to five and starting to stand up. 'oh shit..' i said in my head. "he doesn't have a-" the doctor started but was quickly silenced when kluas suddenly punched five in the face. me and the doctor gasped at the sudden blow. fives hand quickly shot up to his lip as his head jerked to the side. he looked back at kluas and started to raise his hand to hit him back when i grabbed his hand.

"just let him..." i whispered softly so only he could hear it. "and how come she has a-" "touch her and you're dead." five said death glaring kluas. "fine." kluas said rolling his eyes walking over to me and ripping the top of my shirt, revealing my bra and part of my stomache. "there.." kluas said gesturing to my ripped shirt. i quickly covered myself with my arms and ducked behind five so no one could actually see anything. the doctor looked at me shocked as i peeked my head out from behind five. suddenly kluas whistled and caught the doctors attention. "hey! she's a minor.... well......" he said looking back at me. "she's a minor... but anyways back to me." he told the doctor seeing a snow globe on the desk. "'peace on earth' that's so, sweet!"

he said picking it up and slamming it on his head. making me gasp while five and the doctor just looked at him like he was crazy. i mean he is but still. "god that hurts!" he said groaning in pain as the doctor picked up the phone and started dialing a number. "i'm calling security.." he said putting the phone up to his ear. kluas took it from his hand and put it up to his ear. "there's been an assault and attempted rape in Mr. Biggs office, we need security now! schnell!" kluas said throwing the phone sighing as he put his hands on the desk leaning over to be eye to eye with the doctor. "now here's what going to happen grant." he continued. "uh- it's lance" "whatever!" kluas said cutting the doctor off.

"in less than a minute security is going to burst through that door and see a whole lot of blood and then wonder 'what the hell happened?'... and we're going to tell them... that you, beat the shit out of us.." kluas said sobbing slightly letting out a breathy sigh. he leaned straight up and sighed happily smiling. "you're gonna do great in prison. trust me, i've been there. little peice of chicken like you, is gonna get passed around like a...." kluas said circling his hips. "you're just- you're gonna do great!" kluas said shrugging it off. "you're crazy." the doctor said looking between me, five, and kluas. "thank you." kluas told the doctor spitting out a shard of glass. the doctor- or, 'Mr. Biggs'. lead us out to their files. he started going through their flies while i tried to cover myself with my arms.

five walked in front of me and gave me his blazer. "thanks." i whispered. "i really wanna punch him in the face..." five said through his teeth looking behind him. "hey..." i said putting a hand on his shoulder. "thanks for covering me in there..... with the way that guy was looking at me," i said looking behind me at the doctor. "those no saying what would've happened. so thanks" i could feel that my eyes flickered from his eyes to lips. without a doubt i was. "you're welcome..... besides." he said crouching down to my ear. "only i'm aloud to look at you like that..." he whispered in my ear standing straight up. i felt that his eyes were flickering from my eyes to my chest. i chuckled snapping him out of his thoughts. "we're supposed to be siblings.... act like it."

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