bring it on bitch

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3rd pov

*Meanwhile with Tanjiro*

“So I'll tell you short and thick”Tanjiro said

He,inosuke,minho,jenna,Hajime was sitting in a circle

“Zenitsu and (Y/N) like each other.(Y/N) is afraid to confess and Zenitsu says it's not the time,since demons are running around. But they love to stick together so much that even inosuke noticed their tension.We tried to put them together but (Y/N) is dense to notice the looks we're giving and zenitsu is embarrassed” Tanjiro said

“So that's why (Y/N) smiled like that when she talk about him”Hajime nodded

“Don't worry!!I'm here!!I'll help you guys to make plans!”Jenna pounded her chest

“Let's first kill the demon..”Minho sweatdropped

“Until we encounter the demon,we'll push them until one of them can't take no more and confess”Jenna ignored him

“leave me out of this”Inosuke grumbled

“Why?”Tanjiro said

“I can't bear to think (M/N) and monitsu will act after they turn to girlfriend and boyfriend shit.I might barf”Inosuke grimaced

“Got a point tho..”Minho scratched his cheek

“Let the time go and they'll be lovers anyway”Inosuke shrugged

“Says the one who snapped and almost tell them to kiss”Tanjiro chuckled

“They are hopeless!!”Inosuke yelled

“Who's what hopeless?”

Everyone turned to the door

(Y/N) was standing with sleeping zenitsu in her arms

“..You're strong”Jenna said

“Thanks”(Y/N) let Zenitsu down on the bed

She smiled and stroked his head

“You get what i mean?”Inosuke grimaced

“Yep”Hajime and minho sweatdropped

“(Y/N)!why don't you take a nap too?” Jenna said while grabbing Tanjiro and her brother

“We'll talk outside”

Then she pushed everyone out the door

“Don't push—”Inosuke yelled

“WE'LL TALK OUTSIDE”Jenna sent a smile that says‘If you don't shut up and do as you're told,I'll kill you’

Inosuke froze then he quietly walked out with her

After that,(Y/N) and zenitsu was the only people in the room

“…”(Y/N) blushed

She actually heard all the conversations behind the door

1rd pov

‘so they all know..?’I chewed my lip and covered my red face

Zenitsu grunted and shifted in his bed

“Good news about having him asleep”I mumbled

‘At least i know 100% that he likes me back’

I lay next to him and sighed

“Jenna's right..i should take a nap or I'll doze off in the battlefield”

I closed my eyes,then sudden memory flashed in my head

“I wonder if he still remembers the wish he got from me”I mumbled

Zenitsu X depressed!readerWhere stories live. Discover now