Holy fu...Zenitsu wasn't that hot wait-

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A/N:Warning.Zenitsu got sweeter but mostly hotter.Be careful not to have a heart attack


“Oh…i think I'm sick..”I mumbled

“Stomachaches?”Gainko frowned

“Not really but i think I'm going to throw up.I'm too anxious right now”I shivered

We've been walking down the forest and anxiously was increasing my imagination

‘What if Tanjiro,Zenitsu,inosuke don't remember me?What if they are awkward with me?What if..Zenitsu got another girl to love?’

“Whatever you're thinking,it's not real.”Gainko smiled

“But..I can't help it!I'm not a ‘Happy happy fun girl’ so i keep thinking weird things!” 

“There's the mansion!”Gainko pointed to butterfly mansion

“Ahhhhhhhhhh!!Just let me die here!!my legs won't move!!”I shrieked

“Sun is almost up..”He looked up at the sky

“You're..You're going?”I sniffed

“…Stay strong (Y/N)”Gainko said and patted my head  

“Be strong and stronger and kill that unforgivable beast”


“..I will”I nodded

“Let me hug you once more”Gainko opened his arms

I hugged him and he sighed

“So this is the feeling when ‘non existing’daughter is leaving me.”He said

I laughed

“Goodbye”I waved to him

Gainko nodded

I started to walk to butterfly mansion.Few steps later,i turned back to Gainko,only to find he already left without a trail

“…”I took a deep breath and walked fast to the mansion


“…”I gulped and entered the gate of butterfly mansion

“Oh god..oh god..”i mumbled


I spun on my heels to the yelling of a familiar voice

“…Tanjiro?”I whispered

“I felt someone intruding this mansion! It may be that god of festival!!”Inosuke yelled and ran around the corner

“Inosuke!!”I gasped

“…”Inosuke froze in his place when he saw me

“Inosuke~!!Don't go like tha—”

Tanjiro froze with inosuke

“Um…Hey guys”I smiled

“(Y/N)?”Tanjiro whispered

“Yeah.It's me”I giggled

Inosuke lunged and hugged me

“I didn't miss you!!”He shouted

“I missed you too”i sighed

Tanjiro hugged me

“I missed you so much!!”He said as drops of his tears fell down

“…Me too”I sniffed

Zenitsu X depressed!readerWhere stories live. Discover now