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" ARE YOU INSANE" Percy bellowed, making the Gods of the primordial council slump in their thrones to avoid his furious gaze. The walls of the throne room began to shake as tremors arose from the sheer intensity of Percy's unrelenting anger.
"Now son," Chaos began, trying to take back control and restore some order to the meeting, but he was swiftly cut off.

" Don't "son" me Chaos, I don't give a damn that The Titans and Giants are rising. I WILL NOT GO BACK!" " Have you forgotten what they put me through? And now, after I have built a new life and tried to move forward from the past to save my soul, you wish to send me back?!"

Percy began pacing the hall furiously. Whenever a god began to find the courage to speak; a look at the pure black anger on Percy's face quickly shattered their confidence.

"Percy" Hemera said gently, finding the courage to speak up from her sense of compassion. "Think of all the innocent people down there, the innocent children! You may not have a family there anymore but think of the people who do. People on earth who didn't betray you. Will you really be able to walk away without looking back, knowing you could have saved all of them?'

Percy's angry gaze wavered for a second and his face softened but hardened just as quickly. "As you wish My Lady, but as soon as I save them that's it! I'm not helping them again, that's the job of the Olympians. They may succeed if Zeus pulls his pants up and the rest of the gods stop bickering amongst themselves. This is THEIR responsibility, NOT mine. If my honour is insulted by any of them, especially that arrogant fool who calls himself King of Olympus,  then I'm killing him. I'll save their asses this time, this one last time!''

After a nod from the council, Perseus left the room while thunder boomed overhead. " Your champion seems troubled Ouranos" said Nyx, a relatively new addition to the council. " "He seems consumed by anger and darkness." Well then, Daughter I will show you his memories" Chaos said sadly as he held out his hand. A giant cinema screen appeared, offering a glimpse into the past and an image quickly came into view.

Percy arrived at camp and patted Peleus the dragon on the head before setting off down the hill.  He gazed up at the sky smiling at the beautiful weather. 'Thank you Zeus!' He said cheerfully. After putting his stuff in the Poseidon cabin, Percy went over to greet Annabeth at the Athena cabin but she wasn't there. Her brother Malcolm was though. 'Percy' he said, 'please leave camp right now, I'm begging you.'

'What are you taking about I just got here?' Percy replied with a confused look on his face. 'Besides I have something very important to ask your sister.' 'But Perc-' Malcolm was cut off by Percy walking out of the cabin.  Percy headed to the arena and found Clarisse sparring with some other campers but no Annabeth. Clarisse noticed him and beamed and yelled "Prissy" although her eyes showed sadness which confused Percy. Also the other campers were glaring at him which confused him.

"Hey Clarisse where is Annabeth?" Clarisse looked very uncomfortable and looked like she was about to say something. A speech that she had obviously prepared. ''About that Percy, a son of Hecate named Merlin recently arrived at camp and he earned the camp's respect after slaying a griffin, although many believe that a god did and he stole the credit. He then turned all of the seven and most of the campers against you except for Hazel and Leo. I'm so sorry.''

''What no way!'' Percy retorted angrily, ''They would never betray me! Especially Annabeth!'' Fine Prissy go and have fun with the "love of your life"," Clarisse yelled back before storming off angrily. Percy then ran to the beach where what he saw broke his heart.
Annabeth was siting on the beach with another person.

It was a boy with green eyes and blond hair, he was about an inch shorter than Percy's six foot frame and he seemed to have an athletic figure. Percy then realised his brain was desperately trying to distract him from the rage consumed thoughts that were bubbling within his subconscious. 

"Oh Merlin you are so much better than Percy." Annabeth squealed, hugging the boy who beamed back at her. Percy failed to notice the glazed look in her eyes. He just simply stood there and watched, unnoticed by the other two, a broken shell of a person. The blonde haired boy then noticed Percy and noticing Annabeth hadn'tC arrogantly said " hey babe when are you going to break up with that loser Jackson." "Tonight at dinner,"Annabeth promised, planting a kiss on his cheek.
Annabeth POV
Merlin is truly amazing, I am utterly enamoured with him. He is attractive, smart, a mighty warrior and like me he loves architecture and reading. It's like Aphrodite created him just for me. He is so much better than Percy, my true intellectual equal. As I pulled away from Merlin, I heard a voice so angry and broken, it made me want to both cry and cower in fear.
There's no need daughter of Athena"  the voice said and I felt shivers run down my spine. I slowly turned around to see Percy standing there with a heartbroken look on his face. " And to think",Percy spat, as he took out a small box from his pocket," that I was about to propose". Suddenly I felt as if a wave of clarity flowed through me and I realised what I was doing and as Percy stormed away I desperately ran after him screaming. 'Percy!' I screamed and grabbed a hand full of his shirt but cold hands prised my fingers off him and I was sent tumbling to the ground.

"Oi, that's no way to treat a lady" yelled Merlin who charged at Percy, but a geyser appeared out of nowhere and threw him into the sea, which was churning due to Percy's anger. As Merlin floundered around gasping for air, Percy went over and dragged him out of the sea and then threw him on the ground and started punching him. Merlin's face was soon a bloody mess and his nose quickly broke while Percy continued his relentless assault. Suddenly a flash of lighting momentarily blinded Percy and he looked up to see the Olympian council.

"PERSEUS JACKSON" Zeus thundered. ''For attempting to murder a demigod favoured by Olympus, you are banished from both Camp Half-Blood and Mount Olympus.'' Percy was shocked to see pity on Zeus's face yet he was so angry that he failed to realise the expressions of the other gods were far more divisive.  Some were glaring at him yet others bore a sad expression since they had taken his side.

But the rage overtook him again and he bellowed angrily, the ground began to shake in what would later be recorded as a contained,  but devastating magnitude 10.0 earthquake. The gods toppled over like bowling pins, which would have been amusing if not for the circumstances. I screamed Percy's name again and tried to reach him but he simply held up his arm and another geyser erupted underneath him and blasted him straight into the ocean.

Only a few ripples on the surface of the water remained of what had once been the saviour of Olympus...

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