Vengeance or Justice

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Percy POV
'FATHER!' I yelled and ran towards him but he and Gaia had already disappeared and golden dust was all that was left of them. I now understood why he asked me to be his son. He must have known he didn't have long left on this earth.

With a Herculean effort, I tossed aside my grief and got to my feet. I gazed upwards to see End on the mountain, similitude gleefully down at me. He snapped his fingers and the front side of the mountain opened up, leaving a hole reminiscent of the shape of a large door. When I looked back to the top of the mountain, End was gone. It was now clear he wanted our fight to take place inside where there was no distractions and no possibility for help.

I was about to blast the door down when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Hassan, with a sad but determined look upon his face. 'You weren't going to take him on alone were you?' He then flickered red, as he smashed the door down with a right cross, before doing a mocking bow.' After you Sire.' He said. I managed a half smile despite everything as we entered the room; but that smile quickly left my face.

There sitting on the throne was Merlin. "Where's End!' I yelled. 'Not figured it out yet have you?' He then snapped his fingers and morphed into End. "You're really not the brightest of the bunch are you?". I lost it and charged, swinging my sword like a madman, trying to maim, to injure, to kill. Yet with each blow I dealt, I felt pain while Merlin looked more amused than injured. During my rage fuelled attack, Hassan yelled 'Percy, you have to let go of your anger If you want to win!'

Before I could fully process this, I was kicked through the mountain wall. As I struggled to my feet, I took a deep breath and gazed around. For the first time, I really saw my army. Frightened and weak, they were desperately warding off a confident and ferocious monster army. Numerous bodies, monster and man, littered the surroundings as screams of rage, agony and fear pierced throughout the air.

I cleared my head and focused on my good memories, my mother's cookies, the sing along at camp. While these memories were still tainted, they helped me to improve my focus, if only by a meagre degree. I got to my feet to see Hassan fighting End alone and it was a losing battle. Hassan was down to one knee; blocking End's attacks by locking his forearms together. His red aura was protecting him from End's attack, but the constant flickering of the aura meant the shield wouldn't last forever.

I took a deep breath and focused on my powers and surroundings, the water in the air, the tectonic plates in the ground and as I held out my hands, I felt a construct of energy forming.

"Do you really think an ordinary fire could have killed the disciple of Pan?" End questioned as he began to advance. "They all wept like children as they begged me for mercy."

I lost control of the construct, as a rage so strong that even I was surprised, consumed me. I roared and charged towards End but he used my own momentum to flip me over his head.

As I crash landed and struggled to my feet, I noticed both armies had stopped and drawn apart to watch the final showdown. End embiggened himself to 8 feet tall and summoned a fiery sword made of bone.

I used every fibre of my being to try and rid myself of the rage, but managed at most to cool it to a simmering resentment. I closed my eyes and reopened them to focus on the task at hand.

It was me against the most powerful force in the universe. All of the primordials were either fading or running away. End quickly slashed at me and I rolled aside. He then caused the ground to shake knocking Hassan over, but I was immune due to my ancestral powers.

I threw a lightning spear at End's chest and he caught it, but as planned it exploded, making him keel over.

"ENOUGH GAMES!" End roared and ran at me swinging his sword. I managed to block each blow but it was a losing fight, even with Hassan attacking him from behind. All I could think about was End kissing Annabeth as Merlin and my vision kept on turning red.

Hassan seemed to notice and yelled 'Percy you have to accept Annabeth's betrayal! This inner turmoil is holding you back !' I relaxed, closed my eyes and cleared my head. Yes Annabeth betrayed me. Yes so did so many others, many of their own volition. But they didn't deserve to die for that transgression. I may never be happy about it, but I have to accept that it happened and nothing can change that. As much as I hated this sappy cliché crap; I had to stop suppressing my emotions to finally be free. I  felt the red clouds of rage begin to slowly dissapitate.

I opened my eyes and barely managed to block a blow that would have otherwise taken my head clean off. I had regained my fighting spirit and now I charged End with renewed vigour and he struggled to parry each strike as I moved twice as fast as before. I could tell in this moment;  I had achieved a level of focus I'd never managed before.

This didn't help the fight go any more quickly though, it felt like hours until I noticed End's strikes becoming weaker and his sword slowing down. I managed to land a side kick to his solar plexus, as he doubled over; I leapt up in the air while taking out the eagle. This bastard had made me kill Annabeth with it and now I would avenge her by using it to destroy him. I quickly prayed to Chaos and Poseidon to guide my hand and I summoned all the lightning I could muster as I descended downwards. The now lightning- charged eagle sunk into End's chest, impaling him.

End screamed, but struggled to rise due to the eagle having gone through him and into the ground itself. I ran up to Hassan and he threw me up into the air. Using this powerful boost, I then decapitated End with my weapon.

A vision of a huge humanoid figure shrouded in darkness and the sky shimmering purple flashed before my eyes;  but it went away as quickly as it had come.

My army cheered as I landed gracefully and I watched as they pursued the fleeing enemy. Yet I found that I could not smile. That vision had seemed all too real. 'Another day.' I heard Chaos's voice resonating through my head. Somewhat reluctantly, I sheathed my weapon and joined my troops in pursuing the fleeing enemy army.

( soz that it's late the original draft was deleted but I'll put up the conclusion very soon.)

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