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"I'll show you what happened to me." Hassan replied. "Sharing my memories and emotions was another gift given to me by Lady Hestia." He continued as he reached his hand towards  Percy's forehead. Percy grabbed the hand and stared at him suspiciously. "Dude... for real. Just trust me ok". Percy took a deep breath and let the hand be placed upon his forehead.

Flashback ( Percy POV as an observer)
Percy found himself in a spectral form about 100m above the ground, moving without any input from his own nervous system.

Four figures hurried towards a rocket desperately trying to not slip over as they crossed the icy terrain. Right behind them was a Wyvern, the scaled beast belching fire at their heels. The Wyvern was a pale green and seemingly looked no different from an ordinary dragon, yet a quick movement from its tail split the ground where it struck.

"Come on! We can make it!' A tall figure yelled and I recognised him as Aiden. The other figures were Angelica, Reyna and Hassan. I watched them enter into a forest and trudge through the undergrowth and I felt their desperation and breathlessness as it it was my own.

They had almost made it to the rocket when an arrow struck Angelica in the leg, causing her to cry out as she slipped. ' NO!!!' Aiden yelled,  and a huge gust of wind blew the dragon a few hundred metres back but the reprieve was short lived. ' We won't all make it!' Hassan yelled. 'NO WE CAN DO THIS! WE'RE SO CLOSE!" Aiden yelled, carrying Angelica over his shoulders as he tried to run as fast as he could, but it was clear the wyvern would catch him rather quickly.

Aiden yelled as he managed to conjure one more gust of wind to blow them to the foot of the rocket, but this mere 100m travel coupled with the exhaustion from fleeing the dragon caused him to pass out and collapse. Angelica screamed as her leg hit the ground once again. She then began to crawl towards the rocket, while Reyna grabbed Aiden's legs and began to drag him forward.

Percy then noticed that Hassan had stopped about 100m away, and was walking towards the rapidly approaching Wyvern. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" Reyna yelled. Hassan continued to walk away, unsheathing his weapons. " All my life I've looked up to heroes, whether they be caped crusaders or civil rights leaders. I've always wanted to follow them, not for glory, not for fame, but to take comfort in the knowledge that I made the world better. I know in my heart now is my time to lay myself down for the sake of the world. It's my time."

Hassan began to glow red as an aura emerged from him and axes appeared in his hands. "YOU IDIOT, NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR BRAVADO! YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T THROW YOUR LIFE AWAY AGAIN!" Reyna screamed. She managed to pull Aiden into the rocket and as she began to head out again to go after Hassan, Angelica grabbed her arm. "If he doesn't stall the dragon, none of us will make it out alive. Aiden's father told us the mission wouldn't end well, even if it succeeded. Now, it is his destiny to do this." Percy noticed the tears streaming down her face as she spoke these words.

Reyna tried to break free of her grip, but Angelica flipped her over and sat on top of her, pinning her down to the ground.

"LET ME GO DAMN YOU!" Reyna screamed.

Hassan and the Wyvern were now less than 50m away from each other and the dragon was approaching fast. Percy watched him utter a quick prayer, " To all the gods of Olympus, my Lady Hestia especially, it's has been my life's honour fighting for you. I've served you as best as I could. Watch over those I care for and grant me the strength to save them one last time." He then threw his first axe at the Wyvern, wounding it in the head. Screaming in pain and anger, the Wyvern picked Hassan up in it's claws and flew off.

"NOOOOOOO!" Reyna screamed but it was simply too late . Angelica let her go and hopped towards the rocket's button display, activating the mechanism. As they took off from the ground, Reyna clung to the glass as she wept.

The rocket sailed off into the sky. I could see the figures of the fainted Aiden, the weeping Reyna and the injured Angelica grow smaller and smaller as it did.

Flashback end 3rd person pov

Percy was jolted back to reality and stared at Hassan with newfound respect and sympathy. He began to apologise, but Hassan cut him off. ' She told me to stay away from her and claimed that a prophecy prevents her from having any contact with me even as a friend. After everything I did, I didn't want a medal of glory of fame, I just wanted to spend the time I had left with those I cared about but then she does this to me. She didn't let me down with any kindness, even after I laid down my life for her. All this time she has been stringing me along like a damn puppet. I get how you feel now Percy, no feeling hurts worse than betrayal. I'll defend that damn camp one last time and then I'm out!" He walked away, Percy stunned by the shocking similarity of Hassan's words to his own from some time ago. He hung his head in shame.

For the first time in years he had made a fatal error in judgement

He had failed a mission.

Death of a legend( Percy Jackson fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now