Uh oh he aint happy

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Disclaimer: all rights to Riordan you da man

Percy pov
We ran through the lair of Gaia following Jason's directions. We soon ended up at a block of cells. We headed to the biggest one and before I could even knock; Frank kicked the iron door down. I was really starting to love this guy! I'm glad Luke wasn't here; he would be getting annoyed at all the kicking Frank was doing as Luke thought that was his thing, that was also pretty amusing.

We rushed into the cell and we saw Gaia standing over a cocoon of light. In that cocoon there was a man who looked about 21. He had a beard hanging shaggily from his face  and he looked about 5'9 but it was hard to tell from him being cocooned,he seemed to have a slightly brownish complexion, probably Middle Eastern or Asian. I once sparred with the great Persian warrior Rustam on a trip there and I barely won that fight; if this kid was anything like him I'd be in trouble.

My musings were cut short as Gaia laughed manically and simultaneously the cell began to shake and tremble. Suddenly she shot a blast of energy at the man making him scream. The cocoon of energy around him fell away and Gaia disappeared. I ran to his side and his eyes opened. They were glowing red and pulsing with power. He roared savagely and a red field of force rippled through the air blasting us all backwards. Jason and Piper were knocked out but Every mercenary was back on their feet within seconds. Frank was also able to struggle to his feet. This guy impressed me more every minute! I charged the guy with Opyn in my hand. I immediately attempted to knockout him out but suddenly two flaming twin axes appeared in his hands. He blocked my attack and quickly disarmed me in a style I was unfamiliar with. I could not believe it. I had trained with the best warriors on every planet including the Slyithian battlemages of Pluto. I summoned my weapon back to me while Luke and Frank also charged him and were swiftly disarmed and kicked backwards. Nico tried to attack him from behind but his shadow blade bounced off. The guy grabbed Nico, kneed him in the chest and then head butted him before tossing him into the ceiling like a rag doll. He then ran toward and and attacked me in a style I had never seen before. Sparks flew as I struggled to block each strike and I got cut numerous times.
Nico yelled' You've got to use your power as well a your weapons!' I cursed and jumped back and erected a force field around me. I then took out a weapon I had not used in a long time. As I unsheathed the familiar bronze sword I coated its blade with water and electricity and charged my attacker. The other mercenaries all blasted him with energy and as he staggered, I struck him in the chest. A small explosion emanated from my sword and sent him flying backwards into the cave wall. I caught him before he was about to faint and asked,' who the hell are you?'

He gazed up at me with normal brown eyes no longer flickering red as he promptly responded.' Call me Hassan, Champion of Hestia, legacy of Olympus.' He then collapsed, a loud clattering sound emanating through the cave as his weapons hit the floor.

(That is the OC who will have his own story which will be written directly after I finish this one. Let's aim for 1k views!!!)

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