Alycia Debnam Carey// Co stars to lovers?

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Y/n and Alycia's characters on ftwd are together but Alycia has a crush on y/n. Is the feeling mutual?

I'm in my trailer getting ready for Alycia and I's scene together when my best friend, Carson face-times me. Carson is gay and has been my best friend since freshman year of high school when I was getting physically abused by my now ex boyfriend. Carson walked in and beat his ass and since then he's been my everything.

"Hey babe isn't today that really sappy scene with the girl you're in love with?"

"I'm not in love with her!" I defended myself.

"Keep telling yourself that, anyways Issac and I are flying there in a couple of days to see you just so you know."

"Yes! You have no idea how much I've missed your gay ass! I laughed.

"The feelings mutual princess." Before Carson could say anything else Alycia opened my door and explained we're 5 minutes late.

"That's my que babe, also you're picking us up at the airport end of discussion, love you." Carson said.

I hung up the phone and from the corner of my eye I see Alycia staring coldly at my phone. Wonder what that's about.

As we were walking to set Alycia kept playing w her fingers. I've noticed this is what she does when she's nervous or anxious. I grab her hand and squeeze it as I rub circles on her hand.

"What's wrong Lysh? If it's about the scene, I'm sure we can talk to the director if you're not comfortable."

"No no it's not that it's just— umm— maybe I'll tell you later because we're here."

Alycia rarely stutters and she was staring at our hands that were together. What is going on with her?

For the scene we're about to shoot, my character, Toni is making pancakes, wearing compression shorts with a sports bra when she fails miserably at cooking and her and Alycia"s character, Alicia have a cute, romantic moment with each other.
Our director makes sure we're ready then says, "Action!"

My girlfriend is currently asleep right now, so I'm trying to make pancakes even though I never have. I have the speaker on and I'm dancing and singing around the kitchen when somehow the pancake powder is all over me and the pancake I attempted to make definitely didn't look like a pancake. I started talking to the pancake as if it was real.
"Your fight is over my pancake, and by the way you're going to hell just for not being the pancake I wanted you to be." A voice made me drop my slimy pancake.
"Babe, are you talking to a pancake right now?"
I spun around to see my beautiful girlfriend in only my oversized t shirt.
"Good morning beautiful." I pecked her lips then she started laughing at my face. She made our breakfast while I held her waist and kissed her neck here and there. Alicia then noticed my outfit and kept biting her lip while looking at me. Her eyes kept drifting to my stomach. I had defined abs and a belly piercing. After we ate Alicia pounced me and dragged us to our room and pinned me to the door. We kissed aggressively as Alicia groped my ass which made me moan. She took this opportunity to slip her tongue and explore my mouth. I then pushed her on the bed and straddled her as I took her shirt off and left kissed down her stomach.

"And cut!" Our director exclaimed.

"You girls never fail to impress me, you have the rest of the day off."

Why did I enjoy that kiss so much? I don't like Alycia do I? I mean she is so beautiful and I love being around her. I want to kiss her again.

I went to look at her but she was gone. Damn it, I knew she wasn't comfortable with the scene, I should have said something!

I was walking to my trailer and opened the door only to be met with green eyes staring at me.

"Look lysh, I'm sorry, I should have said something if I knew you were gonna be uncomfortable."

She then got up and cut me off by kissing me.

"Y/n I like you. I like you so much. Why do you think I wanted to tear whosever head you were on the phone with off? Why do you think I get all these butterflies when you were holding my hand. That scene made me realize I want that to be real.. with you."

"Aww, Leashy gotta crush on me! Don't worry lovie, I may or may not also have a crush on this 5'5, cute Australian chick that has green eyes, brown hair, this cute little freckle at the top of her lips."

"Was that your boyfriend though?" I began laughing uncontrollably.

"Omg no, that was my gay best friend, wanna pick him up at the airport with me when he comes though?"

"Anything for you, oh by the way would you maybe wanna go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"Of course. Now can we please cuddle and watch frozen?"

"Wow y/n never took you as a Disney person." At that, we got in my bed, I was laying on Alycia's chest listening to her heartbeat when Into the Unknown came on, and I started singing along until I saw Alycia looking at me.

"What? Do I have something on my face?"

"No you're just so incredibly cute." Alycia then kissed me with passion as I slipped my tongue in, we fought for dominance, but I won. I kissed down her neck and found her sweet spot. She moaned as I sucked and definitely gave her a hickey. What's mine is mine. I then pulled away as Alycia gave me a sad, questioning look.

"Look Lysh, I really like you and don't wanna mess things up, plus old fashion is kind of my thing. I want to really know you when we do it. I want to make love to you not just sex, I wanna do it the right way." She brought me in for a kiss, it didn't last long until she spoke again.

"Y/n I couldn't agree more, now watch the dang movie we're missing it."

We both laughed. I got back into my spot on top of Alycia as she ran her fingers up and down my back, through my hair, kissing my head every now and again. This is it. I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.

Ok so this was my first thing I've ever wrote! Let me know if you liked it or not? I take requests so please tell me if there's anything's you want to see!

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