Alycia Debnam Carey// The Singer part 2

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I just finished my last two songs and walked off stage to see Alycia biting her lip as she looked me up and down.

I want to do it with her but I don't want to her to regret it because I'm basically a fan in a way because of the panel. I like her and I kind of just wanna have sex but then have really deep conversations after so it's not awkward and so she won't run away.

I walked up to Alycia then whispered in her ear seductively, "How about we take this to my place?"

Alycia's face went so red as she tried to cover her face up. I'm guessing the alcohol is wearing off because earlier she was basically an animal and now she's kind of shy.

Nola told me she found a guy that she's going to stay with so I'll have the apartment all to myself.

I grabbed Alycia's hand and guided us to my car. I opened the door for her then made my way to my side. When I sat down and looked over I was met with lustful eyes staring at me. She leaned over the console while biting her lip and said, "Please go fast, I don't know how long I can last in here without having you."

I almost moaned at her words. Dirty talk is definitely one of my weaknesses. I started the car and drive off while my right hand was on her thigh. I slowly began rubbing circles as my hand kept getting closer and closer to her core.

"Please!" Alycia whimpered. "Please touch me!"

"Patience babygirl." I said while sliding my hand under her dress and over top of her underwear. I don't want to give in just yet. I want her to beg.

The rest of the car ride consisted of me rubbing Alycia's clit and folds over top of her underwear while she was squirming while trying not to moan. Later she'll be moaning my name at the top of her lungs and I can't wait to hear it.

Once I pulled up in front of my apartment I looked over at Alycia who was biting her lip. I got out of the car then quickly opened her door. She got out then pinned me to the car door.

"You're going to regret teasing me so much y/n." She said in my ear as she nibbled on it.

I switched our positions so she was pinned to the car door. I took her lips between my own and kissed her passionately. We were grabbing each other everywhere, we simply just couldn't get enough of one another.

"Take me to your room, I need you now." Alycia said while whimpering.

I intertwined our hands and unlocked my apartment door. I left Alycia standing by the door as I ran off to my room and hid behind the door. As Alycia came in I grabbed her waist and pinned her against the door shutting it. I don't know who leaned in first but we're making out again. I slid my tongue through her lips teasing her. The next time I did her tongue met mine and we fought for dominance. I obviously won as I explored her mouth memorizing the taste. She tasted like alcohol and strawberries. I couldn't get enough.

I soon began making my way down from her jaw to her neck and sucked and bit at her neck.

"Y/n, please just fuck me or I'll do it myself." Alycia said while panting as she moaned when I only sucked another part of her neck. Her neck is going to be covered, not that I'm complaining and she sure isn't.

I backed her to the bed and she quickly went to the top and layed down. I straddled her and pulled her shirt over her head. I then unclasped her bra and threw it somewhere. I sat there just admiring the beauty in front of me. Alycia then covered her self with her arms from how long I was staring. I pulled her chin up to look at me and gently unwrapped her arms from around her and pinned it above her head. I softly spoke, "Alycia, you are absolutely mesmerizing you have no reason to be insecure I promise." I said as I kissed her lips before pulling my shirt and bra off.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked one more time.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." She responded. I then moved my leg between her legs as I took her right nipple in my mouth. Alycia immediately let out a loud moan. I then switched to her left and did the same as she kept moaning in approval. I started kissing down her stomach softly as I got to her waistband. I looked up for approval, which she gave a enthusiastic nod while biting her lip. I took her pants off along with her underwear.

"Spread your legs baby" I said in a raspy voice from how turned on I was. She quickly spread them while holding eye contact with me. I started from kissing her ankles slowly up her legs. I want to be soft with her but also want her to beg. I kissed her inner thighs as she started grinding on the bed to release some of the friction.

"Please!" Alycia said with need in her voice. I finally swiped my tongue through her folds making her scream my name. I sucked her clit as I stuck one finger in. At this point she couldn't stop moaning or tugging at my hair. I'm sure the whole apartment could hear. "Faster, please go-" she began but I quickly stuck in another one making her arch her back as her head flew back. She gripped the sheets as she was getting closer.

"Look at me." I said with dominance in my voice. "I want to see your pretty face crumble as I show you who's pussy this is." She slowly looked in my eyes as her face was flushed. It took one more swipe of my tongue that hit a spot to make her scream to the ceiling as she failed to hold eye contact anymore.

After she caught her breath she tried flipping our positions, "Hey, it's okay how about we sleep, there will be other nights." I said with confidence. I knew this girl was going to change my life. I then took off my clothing and got in next to her as she hooked one leg over mind and wrapped her arm around my abdomen while resting her head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. She was so insanely beautiful. I could not believe that this woman is in my arms right now. I finally went to sleep as Alycia came into my dreams.

Ok so I cannot believe I just did that jsydbdh I know some of you are horny motherfuckers so here you go babies;)

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