Lindsey Morgan// Jealousy

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Y/n and Lindsey have been together for 2 years. Lindsey is very very jealous person so when y/n's best friend gets close to her Lindsey becomes very jealous.

My best friend Brooke is coming over later, so right now I'm cleaning the house while Lindsey is watching Netflix.

Lindsey doesn't like Brooke because Brooke is a very touchy person. Brooke may be a touchy person but I know she doesn't like me like that and that's just her personality anyways.

"Babe, why can't you cancel?" my girlfriend pleads.

"Lindz, you know I can't, plus she just got out of a relationship, I need to be there for her." I said.

"Whatever! Guess she's just more important than me huh?" Lindsey said as she stormed to our bedroom.

I called her name like ten times but nothing. I hate when she gets likes this. She knows I only love her, why can't she trust me?

I soon heard a knock at the door. I quickly ran to open it and saw Brooke smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey cutie!" Brooke exclaims as she hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Lindsey! Brooke's here!" I yelled to my girlfriend.

Me and Brooke sat down on the couch and began catching each other up on everything in our lives.

What is taking Lindsey so long?

"Hey I'm gonna go check on Lindz, I'll be right back." I said

Brooke mumbled and ok and slapped my ass as I got up.

I walked into our room and saw Lindsey staring at me coldly from the bed.

"Babe, what are you doing? Come on." I said.

"So you're just going to act like she didn't just slap your ass and checked you out as you walked up here? She said sarcastically.

"You were watching?" I said confused.

"Of course I was watching! She needs to know her place, you're mine!" She raised her voice.

"Baby, you know I'm only yours, come down stairs and cuddle with me." I said.

She gave me a look that said I'm not going down there with her.

"Fine guess I'll just have to go down there and cuddle with her because my girlfriend won't." I sighed

That worked because Lindsey rolled her eyes and took my hand as we made our way back to the living room.

Brooke was sat on the couch now while I was sitting on the loveseat with Lindsey curled up to me.

"So are you ok? I mean with the whole break up?" I asked my best friend.

She looked at me and sighed as her eyes became watery and a tear slipped out.

I quickly got up and pulled her into me letting her cry in my shoulder, brushing off the look Lindsey gave me.

"Hey hey it's okay, I'm here and I love you so much okay? Fuck her, if she can't see how amazing you are." I said

Brooke just put her face in my neck and grabbed my clothing tightly as she let everything out.

"Oh cut the crap! We all know those tears are fake you just want my girlfriends arms around you!" Lindsey yelled.

"Enough Lindsey! You've taken you're jealousy too far when there's nothing to even be jealous about!" I exclaimed.

"Here I'll bring you home and catch a cab back here Brooke." I said softly.

"Me and you are gonna have a little chat when I get back." I pointed to Lindsey.

(Time skip)

I unlock the door to my house and walk in. I assume Lindsey is asleep already considering it is pretty late.

I make my way up the stairs and walk to our room. Lindsey is either asleep or can't hear me due to the earbuds in her ears. I always found it cute how she can't sleep without music or the tv on.

I took my clothes off and got into an over size t shirt then turned the tv on as I took out Lindsey's earbuds. This woke her up because the next thing I know she grabs me and hugs me mumbling things like, "I'm sorry" "please don't be mad" "I'll apologize."

"Baby, I know you're a jealous person and I love that about you, but she's my best friend and I promise you, she doesn't like me like that. You really hurt her back there. In the car she told me that she'll leave me because she knows that's she's tearing us apart and knows how much we love each-other and doesn't want to come in between that." I said.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm just insecure and sometimes I don't feel enough for you." Lindsey said while crying.

"Baby, you are the most beautiful human I've ever met in my life, I'm in love with your smile, your eyes, your long brown hair, your so so kissable lips, your intelligence, your personality... baby I'm in love with you. And I don't wanna spend another day of my life without you." I say as I kissed her.

I lay down next to her and she cuddles into me with her head on my chest. Then I hear her whisper the words we say to each other every night.

"Me and you." She whispers.

"You and me" I whisper as I kiss her forehead before sleep takes over.

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