The Precursor Pair

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Now you might be asking, why did I put Jak and Daxter on the same world as Xenoblade? And my answer is... ... ...I dunno.

Gourmet 2: The Precursor Pair

Nintendia Galaxy

The Ace Hunter was a huge, black spaceship, its bottom hull shaped like a pirate ship with a dome over its "deck." It had a knife and fork crossed over under the keel and Augustus's skull over it. The same design was seen on the flag atop the ship. Soon after leaving GKND, Augustus seemed to have already decided their route. Under his instruction, Haylee steered the ship to the next galaxy, their course set for a certain planet.

"The Precursor Pair?" Yuzu asked.

"Legend says it's an amazing soup the ancient spirits of Mira once ate." August replied. "Seems like it'd be cool for the menu."

"Captain, you sound like you were already planning to hunt for it." Haylee inferred. "Why else are we heading to Mira so quickly?"

"Well, I was. I was gonna hunt for the festival, too. It's part of the reason I went to New Galaxia. 'Course, now I got swept up in an important mission with you brats."

"So, does this mean all those other hunters are gonna hunt for Full Courses, too?"

"Not exactly, but some of them do. That's why they have seven days to hunt. But that's hardly enough time to get a Full Course, depending on what foods they hunt for."

"But even if we collect these eight ingredients, we couldn't really attend the festival, could we?" Yuzu asked regrettably. "If the prophecy really is talking about Gourmerry, and she'll threaten to eat everything... we couldn't really chance it by taking her."

"But O-Tama wisheth to attend festive feast!" Tama shouted. "August'n, thou hast promised! O-Tama shalt keep Gourmerry behaven!"

"I know you will, Tama, but Yuzu brings up a good point. And it would be pretty lame if we had to wait four whole years for another festival. In that case, we need to find these ingredients in six days!"

"There's no way we can manage that." Yuzu wept. "I'll get so sleepy..."

"Ahem." coughed Stewie Griffin, the infant scientist of the Marzipan Crew. "Not that anyone has forgotten, but I do have a time machine."

"Time machine?"

"It can't go forward past the 'present' time, but it should come in handy in the event we need an extra day or two."

"Riiiiight." Haylee drawled in remembrance. "'Cause you used that to get the Cursed Caramels." She remembered that embarrassing incident fondly.

"Yes, when you're an age-frozen infant, manipulation of time becomes second nature."

"Well, no offense, but it's really worrisome to know that an evil baby just has something like that."

"Well, Haylee, say I decided to go back in time and kill you, you would still exist in this time. But I, however, would end up in an alternate universe where you don't exist."

", that's how other universes are made?"

"Well, those types of universes are doomed to be lost and destroyed. Ergo, I would be the one getting punished, not you."

"Ah...well, that's good... I guess." Haylee still didn't quite understand time travel... and she was thankful she scrapped her own time machine after Sunni and Darcy's little "incident."

"So, Augustus," Yuzu began, "I noticed there were four items on your list. Are we going to get those, too?"

"Well, this is Gourmerry's Full Course we're trying to make here. Granted, Gourmet Hunters are allowed to share the same items between menus, but for the most part, they have to be original. Different combos of food lead to different results. So, when we find her items, I might not add them to my course or vice-versa."

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