Ms.Popular and Mr. Basketball Idiot (Kagami x Reader)

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(L/n) (F/n), is a popular dancer and model who works in a company where her bestfriend is, Kise Ryouta. At first the people thought that they were dating but no, they don't have feelings for each other, they just treated each other like siblings. "Career and Studies first before relationships." That's all what she said.

(F/n) switched schools in the middle of school year because her father works there as a teacher and her mother as a principle so they can manage to look after their daughter and her cousin Aida Riko. Ofcourse, Kise were saddened about the news about her leaving him himself to Kaijou and being able to go beside his so called bestfriend Kurokocchi.

To be honest, you thought that your bestfriend was gay because of that "Kurokocchi" person. But he always say that he is not gay and he just respect his.. Yes his Kurokocchi. You inwardly sighed and dropped the issue.

- Time Skip -

You're walking outside of Seirin to find your precious cousin and you recieved stares from the students of the said school.

"Hey, is that (L/n) (F/n) the famous female model?"

"Yeah she is, i wonder what is she doing here"

"Maybe she is the rumored girl who'll be going to study here."

"I hope she is, and if that happens i'll ask her on a date"

"sheesh, people." You thought. You were feeling conscious about yourself because of the stares you are recieving when finally a short brown haired girl caught your attention with a tall crimson red head beside her. You tackled your cousin into a bear hug.

"About time Riko! I'm starting to get scared by those stares" You pointed at your back and looked at the red head. You blushed when he looked at you.

"Woah, he's handsome" Your eyes trailed to his body, you saw a his arms full of muscles you inwardly squeal "and looks hot" You stared at his face again, his unique eyebrows caught your attention.

A cough cutted your train of thoughts, you glared at your cousin.

"Guys she's my cousin and she'll be your new classmate (L/n) (F/n)" Riko said

"He's Kagami Taiga" She pointed at the red head

"Yo" Was he only said "nice voice you got there."

"And this is Kuroko Tetsuya" She pointed at her invisible friend beside you but you saw nothing. A shiver runs up to your spine.

"W-where?" (F/n) said looking around

"Domo, Kuroko Tetsuya desu. Nice meeting you (L/n)-san" The voice from your right said. You slowly turned your head and saw a pale and cute face with light blue hair. You shivered again "he-he's not there a while ago!"

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! D-don't come near me! G-g-ghost! Kyaaaaaaa---mph" Riko cupped your mouth with her hand.

"Don't be so loud (F/n)!"

"mmmmph mmmph mmmmph" You struggled at her hold causing her to release you.

When you're finally convinced by Riko that Kuroko is not a ghost, you quickly composed yourself when realization hits your face. You turned to Kuroko.

"Are you the Kurokocchi that my bestfriend was talking about?" You asked.

"I guess (L/n)-san"

"I'm (L/n) (F/n)! Ryouta is head over heels for you Kuroko-kun" He shivered on what you said but still keeping his poker face.

"Don't say that again (L/n)-san. It's creepy."

Then the four walked into the school to tour you.

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