Make Over (Hyuuga x Reader)

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"Hey hey! The ugly girl is here!" Someone loudly whispered.

"Yeah, i wonder who her parents are. I feel pity for them having a daughter looked like a zombie." The other girl said making the other students laugh loud. Those words pierced through the heart of someone wearing a huge circular reading glasses and braces and a longer skirt enough to make her look like an old lady walking through the corridors of Seirin. Her name is (L/N) (F/N).

You're known as an honor student of the school and working as a part time cashier at the nearby convenience store to support yourself. Your parents were long gone since you were a child.

As you heard some of your schoolmates having fun of how you look, you bow your head in shame and walk away from the scene.

School was hell to (F/N) but she needs knowledge in order to continue to live her life and be a successful woman in the near future.

You opened the classroom door as your classmates began to tease you. Your friends (BF/N) and Riko on the other hand were explaining something related to their club, they didn't notice you sit behind them and the bell rang. You internally sighed when the teasing finally stopped.


The school ended in a blink of an eye as you were forced to come with the team to do a clothes shopping for someone. Heck, Kuroko even called his model friend Kise Ryouta for this kind of activity. They kept whispering and stealing glances at you as (BF/N) and you were following behind them. You felt something unusual were to happen. You just shrugged the thought and continued walking.

As all of you were done to shop clothes you all walked home, the others walked on other direction leaving you and your crush, Hyuuga alone. Silence took over the two of you as you walk.

"Ah, we're here thank you for walking home with me Hyuuga-san" You said as you unlock the gate of your house.

"A-ah (L/N), a-are you free tomorrow?" You heart skipped a beat when he said it. Random thoughts about date entered your mind as you excitedly nodded and looked at him. Expecting him to say something about date when..

"Ah that's a relief, the team will surely be happy if you're there" He smiled. You internally cursed yourself from expecting something.

"O-okay i'll go, thanks for inviting me anyway. Jaa~" You quickly ran inside the house not bothering to look back.

- The next day - (Saturday)

You woke up (flawless~/slapped) earlier than usual.You tried to sleep again but you can't, so you just prepared a nice lunch for you and the team.

Walking silently through the empty hallways of Seirin when suddenly a big hand holding a handkerchief (A/N: Sorry for the description LOL) cupped your nose forcing you to smell the chemical applied on that thing and it made you sleepy. You tried to fight back but no to avail you blacked out.

- A bit of timeskip -

You woke up blindfolded and tied on a chair you heard a sound of scissors snipping at your back and some voices whispering to themselves.

"W-where am i? P-please don't hurt m-me, i-i didn't do anything bad" You spoke making the voices chuckle. They took your blindfold out as you immediately saw the basketball team with your bestfriends riko and (BF/N).

"W-what am i doing here? Oi, let me go!" You shouted.

"No, unless we're done to you. Now, now stop struggling or you'll have an ugly styled hair." Riko said as Hyuuga started cutting your hair off.

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