Savior (Haizaki x Reader)

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A/N: Hi author-chan is here xD

Anyways, this was requested by my lovable kouhai :3 Jokerrrrrr

Sorry for the super late post too ;-; You'll know why when you got to read my A/N on the end.

Hope you like this :3


It's up to you what version of Haizaki you want xD Cornrows, silver haired or something xD you can imagine him with pink hai--slapped.


"Hey, hey, did you know?"


"Stop acting like that, jhay-chan is watching!"

"Uh.. Okay, what"

"About the new student~"

"Yes i've heard of it. They said the new student is a girl and hot~"

"Yeah! Wonder what she looks like, i hope she'll be our new classmate!"

A red lamborghini suddenly stopped beside the two boys making them stop on their tracks. As amazed as they are, they expect the driver was a girl and smiled waving their hands infront of the window.

The window slowly rolled down revealing a 70-year old man, their faces instantly turned into a depressed one.

Lesson Learned: Don't expect too much or you'll see an unexpected result.

"Excuse me, where's this (Random Company Name)? Could you please point it out to me? I think i'm lost" The man said, the two boys randomly pointed a place making the driver confused and left the two behind.

The two boys quickly walked as they don't want to experience the same nightmare again but then a black sports bike stopped right beside them again.

They were sure the driver is a girl as they oggle at her figure. The girl removed her helmet and swayed her head revealing a very elegant shade of (h/c) hair and her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

"Uhmm.. Good morning, where's Fukuda Sogo here?" She asked, but got no response from the boys, she quickly got down on her sports bike to approach them when suddenly the two boys fell down making the girl in panic.

"H-help! Somebody help!" The girl said earning all the attentions of the bypassers.


"(L/N) (F/N)! It's still your first day here and you're late! What happened to you?" Your uncle, the principal yelled at you. "And what's with that dress! You're not in party for Pete's sake!" You looked at your dress, fitted uniform, short skirts and a high heeled shoes. You raised a brow on your uncle.

(L/N) (F/N), the very bad girl in (Random School) was transferred in Fukuda because of her very nice attitude. (Sarcasm Intended)

"It's uniform, can't you see that uncle? And something happened earlier sorry about that" You said and blew a chewing gum.

Your uncle sighed defeatedly as he gave you your schedule and forced you to walk out of his room before he become a demon and throw you a refrigerator.

"Class 1-C huh, wonder how many dumbasses were there." You smirked as you reached your destination.

"Class meet your new classmate, (L/N) (F/N)"

"Hi there~ I'm (L/N) (F/N), I'm pleased to meet you all" You smiled and winked earning a few whistles from the boys and some groans from the girls. You instantly noticed one looking bad boy who's staring at you and smirked making him do the same.

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