Jealousy (Kuroko x Reader)

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You were feeling nervous outside the classroom. The class were noisy, teacher getting their attention and you standing infront of the room palms sweating because of nervousness when suddenly a loud banging inside of the room caught your attention.

"Attention class! I know it's a bit weird that we're having a new classmate here in the middle of the term. Come in now" The teacher said. Thank god you understand nihonggo.

A girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes walked in. The class looked at her stunning figure.


You suddenly felt uncomfortable because of that stares you're recieving.

"H-hi! I-i'm (F/N) (L/N). I am an exchange student from (country). N-nice to meet you all." You said.

"Okay you may sit beside Kuroko. Kuroko please raise your hand." Your teacher said and i looked around and saw a light blue haired boy raising his hand.

"A-anoo.. I think Kuroko-san is absent." A girl with glasses said.

I pointed at the boy whose raising his hand, the class looked where i am pointing. I see them looking shocked.

Kuroko was surprised that you noticed him immediately.

"E-eh?! H-he's not there earlier!" The girl with glasses said as i go to my desk. The teacher cleared his throat and began his discussion.


You are getting bored as the time goes by and really hate the feeling. You turned your attention to the light blue haired boy and poked him on the shoulders. He looked at you.

"What is it (L/N)-san?" He asked.

"What's your name?"

"Tetsuya, Kuroko Tetsuya" You raised an eyebrow and wondered.

"Is he a robot? or just emotionless" You thought and just nodded.

"(F/N) (L/N), nice to meet you Tetsuya." You said with much enthusiasm getting the attention of the students near you. You looked at them. "What?" You asked.

"You just said my first name (L/N)-san" You looked at him and noticed that he is slightly blushing. Damn, i forgot.

"S-sorry Kuroko" You felt embarrased and looked away.

- Timeskip -

Months have passed quickly and in the next two weeks will be your summer break. You've grown close with the Seirin's basketball team especially Kuroko.

You were aimlessly walking in the hallway thinking about how would you confess your feelings to your bestfriend. The other part of you says to tell him your feelings before someone else get him. But the other part of you don't want to destroy the friendship you've created with him. In short you're confused, when you suddenly bumped into vanilla scented wall infront of you.

"I've never thought that this wall was scented with vanilla." You looked up and saw Kuroko looking at you. You smiled sheepishly and muttered sorry then ran away. Kuroko tried to stop you from running but you didn't seem to hear him.


You're now sitting on the bench watching the team practice when suddenly a pink haired girl barged into the gym and hugged your--- no her Tetsu-kun. You felt a pang in your heart.

"So he has someone" You mumbled, Riko saw you looked like a rejected puppy and came over to you. She knows about your feelings towards the boy. She pats your head. You just smiled at her and grabbed your things and go home.

- Timeskip -

Kuroko sighs still wondering of why are you avoiding him in the past week. He didn't even know what he's done to make you mad. He always ask you but you were just ignoring him. He miss you so much, your cheerful personality, walking home with him, and even hanging out at Maji.

(F/N) on the other side was changed. She looked always gloomy instead of being cheerful, it's like she has all the problems in the world and always wanted to be alone. Kuroko and the team tried to approach her but she just kept on ignoring them like she didn't even know them.

If Kuroko only knows how much i love him.


It's the last day of school when (F/N) finally had the courage to confess to Kuroko. She headed to library, knowing her crush would be there probably reading novel and no doubt she saw Kuroko on the other side of the library just sitting.

(F/N) walked towards Kuroko. "U-uhmm." Kuroko looked at her and stood up to hug her. (F/N) was taken aback on his action.

"I miss you (L/N)-san" He said as he tighten his hug and didn't want to lose her. (F/N) hugged back.

"If your girlfriend saw us at this position she'll be mad." Kuroko gently released (F/N) from his hug and looked at her with questioning eyes.

"I don't have a girlfriend (L/N)-san" You raised a brow.

"So who's the pink haired girl hugging you that day?" You questioned.

"She's Momoi-san, my friend"

"So a friend hugging her Tetsu-kun and called you by your first name" You bitterly said.

"Are you jealous (L/N)-san?" You furiously blushed.

"N-No! Why would I?!" You denied but he just chuckled.

You saw him chuckle for the first time and you felt like you're going to faint at his cuteness. But the other thing surprised you was his action.


he kissed you on the lips.

"W-w-what was that for K-kuroko!" 50 shades of red was on your face.

"Eh? Don't you like it (F/N)-chan?" He tilted his head and you squealed forgetting that you're in library. He hugged you.

"Would you be my girlfriend (F/N)" He asked you.

"You know the answer about that ne?" You said as he nodded and kissed you again.

That day was your happiest day in your entire life.

-Behind the scene-

Riko and the team along with the librarian took pictures of you and Kuroko kissing.

"My little (F/N)-chan has grown up" Riko was crying while watching you two having fun with each others company. The team just agreed.

"Young love~" The librarian said.

Then suddenly realized what he's doing and grabbed a paper fan out of nowhere and started smacking them.

"This is not the correct place to do some romantic scenes! Get out!" He shouted at the team.


(F/N) looked towards the retreating team and smirked.

"Heh, those nosy brats" was you only said.


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