Protect you (Takao x Reader)

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You were really having a bad day because of your classmates teasing you and your precious height. Yes, you were a 16 years old with a height of 12 year old girl, slightly different from the others but not that small *cough*.

And here you are spending your time doing homework on your desk because you forgot to do it yesterday. You inwardly cursed yourself for forgetting what's important. You just ignored the teasings and what not's, when suddenly the door busts open revealing a smirking Takao your crush.

"Chibi-chaaaan! Ohayo!" He took a seat beside you and started to distract you from what you're doing.

"Don't call me that! And please i don't have time to argue with your stupid teases. I'm busy" You said without looking at the so called hawk-eyed guy.

"Eh? But Chibi-chan is cuter than your name. You know, like your size." He teased causing your classmates to snicker. You glared at Takao but he continued to tease you.

"C'mon chibi-chan~ stop doing your homework you'll just stress yourself" He said




"Earth to Chibi-chan~"


"Oooooooi chibi-chaaaaan~!"

"What the fuck do you want! Can't you see that i'm busy here?! Or you're just blind to not see what i am doing!" You finally snapped causing him and your classmates to shut up. You sat quietly and the bell rang. No one bothered to tease you again.. for now.

- Time Skip -

You were sitting at your favorite spot in canteen earing your lunch in peace when suddenly the 3 cliques of the school saw you. They came towards you and cornered you.

"Hey midget, you don't belong here so please get out of here and find another spot" The girl seems to be their leader said. You scoffed.

"I'm the first to stay here so back off" You said. You felt your uniform being lifted up by their leader and threw you off the ground. The other students just stared at you in sympathy and didn't dare to help you. You understand them, they just don't want to be bullied like you. You stood up and leave the canteen as fast as you can. Little did you know someone saw that commotion.

The bell rang signaling it's end of lunchtime, your stomach growls but just shrugged it off. You ran towards your classroom only to see a melon bread on your desk, your stomach growls again but you just shoved the bread off and set it to Takao's desk.

- Timeskip -

You were having a bad time solving the equations on your paper, you're losing your concentration because of hunger. You looked around and it seems that you're the only one who's not doing the seatwork. Luckily, the bell rang and one more subject you'll be dismissed.

"I'll give that as your homework today." The teacher walked out. You sighed in relief.

"Chibi-chan, are you alright? You seem not in the mood" You looked at Takao.

"I'm fine, and please don't call me that" You felt weak now and cold sweats running down on your cheeks. Takao looked worried and asked you again what's wrong but now you didn't answer as you felt yourself losing conciousness. You blacked out.

- Timeskip -

You woke up in an unfamiliar place, white ceiling, white walls and a nurse fixing her things up. You sat up.

"Oh, you're awake" The nurse cooed.

"Where am i?" You asked.

"Shuutoku's Nurses office Ms. (L/N)"

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