Exception (Murasakibara x Tomboy! Reader)

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You had a crush on your childhood friend. His name is Murasakibara Atsushi. But you have a problem, you knew that he doesn't like a girl who acts like a boy.

Yes you read it right. You are a girl. You always act tough and cool infront of others and dress like a boy. Why? You hate skirts and girly things. Some girls have mistaken you as a boy and confess their feelings to you.

You just happen to be an exception to Murasakibara because you're his childhood friend/snack buddy. Both of you had the same tastes. Snacks, clothes and even type of friends. At first you just see him as a brother but eventually it became more than that.

You tried to act girly infront of him just to notice you but failed as he just sees you having a weird day.

And now, you were alone with him on the rooftop.

You finally mustered up all your courage not caring if this confession will destroy your friendship with him or not. You were ready for a worse case scenario and started to speak.

"Atsushi, since Middle school i've looked up to you, i've seen you as a brother. But i noticed something with me." You said as he just listens to you while eating maiubo.

"I suddenly wanted to see you every hour, everyday and every minute. That's when i asked you what kind of girl do you like. When i got your answer i ended up discouraged. Now, I-I can't keep my feelings anymore. I-I love you Atsushi" You looked at him as he just stared at you seemingly surprised. A minute has passed but you didn't got an answer so you took it as a rejection. You muttered a sorry and left him alone on his spot.


It's been a week since you confessed to him, as the both of you seems avoiding each other. You still act cool infront of others even when you are feeling down. You miss him so much.

You were silently walking through the cafeteria looking for some lunch to buy when suddenly an unknown girl invited you for a lunch on the rooftop and forcefully dragged by her. (A/N: LOL)

When the two of you arrived on the said place as she immediately gave you a box of beautifully packed lunch and eat.

As soon as you two finished eating she started a conversation.

"A-ano (L/N)-san, i have something to tell you" The girl said as she nervously look at you. You nodded as you continue.

"T-the first time i saw you w-with other people i've seen you as a man. A man who always so cool infront of others  to be honest, i like you for a l-long time now. Please give me a chance to prove my feelings to you (L/N)-san!" The girl bowed as she say her feelings for you. Little did she know you're a girl too.

"Eh? Sorry, but i can't accept your feelings.." You said as the girl seems to burst in tears you quickly continued. " No, not like that.. Ano.. I'm a girl too ehehe" You rubbed the back of your head. The girl looked so surprised when you said you were a girl and began to bow down in shame.

"Don't worry i'm not like the others who laugh at other people's mistakes.. By the way, what's your name? I didn't have time to ask you when you dragged me here." You said.

"Tsubaki Shiina, s-sorry for mistaking you as a boy." She bowed 90 degrees.

"No, really i'm used to it. We can be friends if you want, thank you for the lunch too. It was great!" You offered your hand as she gratefully accepts your offer.


It was the end of school hours when you and your new friend were walking down the stairs as your fangirls/boys suddenly surrounded the two of you. You weren't in the mood to socialize and wished to be invisible for a moment and run away from the scene.

When you were having trouble about your fans, something or someone made them go quiet as some huge shadow loomed over from your back. It was your friend, Murasakibara with his friend Himuro. Murasakibara seems to be so angry as he just stares at your fans. He grabbed your hand and drags you out of school leaving Shiina and Himuro behind.

The two of you ended up in his apartment. He hugged you tight, you were surprised at his action.

"I love you too (F/N)-chin, sorry if i made you wait i wanted to be sure what i feel towards you too." He said as his face appeared infront of you. Eyes widen in surprise you can't mutter a word as he took that as a cue to kiss your lips.

You suddenly felt hot when he pokes his tongue on your lips. You allowed him as he deepen his kiss.

When the two of you broke the kiss you looked at him.

"Thank you, i'm...glad you love me too" You muttered making him chuckle. You playfully smack his arm as he carried you to his room and continued where you left.

He lays you to his bed and hovers ontop of you.

"I'm gonna make you mine (F/N)-chin" He only said.

With that... A very tiring night has occured.


To be honest, this is originally a lemon oneshot but i saw this story gone long so i decided to make a part two for a lemonshot xD i'm so sorry if you found this as a crappy or something T-T.. Mura-kun seems to be OOC in here xD

Thank you for reading! xD

Requested by: Toshirolover

I'll post the lemon part later ;)

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