~Birthday Special~ (Takao x Reader)

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You were thinking about what birthday gift you'll give to your boyfriend Takao tomorrow. You asked your senpais about this but you still didn't got satisfied of their answers.

"(L/N)!" You were startled when you hear your teacher's voice infront of you. You looked up and said an unsincere sorry causing your classmates to laugh. It made the teacher mad and told you to meet her at the faculty office after her class.

You came in to your classroom feeling tired because of the punishment. She gave you a surprise test about what she taught on your class and made an essay. You promised you'll listen on what she teach so you'll never experience that punishment again.


You were with the basketball team watching them practice with (Random school). They won after the match. You informed Takao that you'll go home late because of some things. He offered to be with you but declined and ended up walking home alone.

When your boyfriend was surely out of your sight you turned to the team and planned a surprise birthday party for him. You assigned them on what they do and gave them money for the materials. (A/N: Yes, you're that rich :P)

After all of you were finished designing the gym. You bid goodbye to them and walked with your friend Miyaji from the other direction towards your street.

When you two finally walked into your house, Miyaji helped you to make sweets and cake for the birthday boy, hoping the finished product is all worth it.

~ Timeskip ~

Takao's humming happily. It's his birthday today and his friends greeted him except you. He shrugged at that thought, thinking that you were still sleeping. Walking downstairs, his family and sister greeted him a happy birthday and ate their breakfast peacefully.

You on the other side were busy preparing the foods Miyaji and you made last night while the others were on look out. When you finished preparing you ran out of the gym and waited for Takao to arrive.

After a few minutes of waiting you saw him skipping on his way. You quickly hid behind the bush. He walked past you, you sighed in relief and texted Miyaji and inform him that Takao arrived--

"What are you doing here (F/N)-chan?" You shrieked when the familiar voice surprised you from behind.

"N-na-nah! I- I j-just h-happened to be h-here you know-- ehehe~!" You sheepishly rub the back of your head.

"Ehh~? You happened to hid behind this bush? I thought you're going to ambush me or something since it's my special day~!" He sing-songed.

"Hmm? Special Day? Is there anything special now?" You raised one brow. You thanked God that your acting skills were still in pristine condition. He sighed looking dejectedly while you grabbed his hands and walk towards the gym. You two walked in silence. You suddenly felt guilty about what you did, but it's part of your plan and don't want the plan go to waste.


As the two of you walked in the dark gym, a sudden pops was heard and birthday greets. You grabbed his collar, tiptoed and peck him on the lips, a series of "oohs and whistles" heard throughout the gym and started to celebrate.

"Happy Birthday Kazu" You greeted him as he stuffed his cake on his mouth and lean to kiss you.

"Get a room you two!" You heard the green headed guy said. You broke the kiss and stuck your tongue out at him causing him to anger.

"Sorry, I don't know what to give so i just planned to give you a birthday surprise. Thanks to your team though." He laughed at your confession, you glared at him.

"I don't need anything (F/N)-chan~ All i need is you beside me~" You blushed at his words and kissed him again on the lips.

"I love you Kazu"

"I love you too (F/N)-chan~" A genuine smile plastered on his lips.

That was the sweetest thing you did to him and that was his happiest man on that day.


A 70 year old man smiled as he stared at the grave, reminiscing all his memories and telling it with (son's name),his wife and his grandchildren beside him. They all greeted him a happy birthday walked out of the cemetery.

He looked back at the stone and smiled.


(L/N) (F/N)

20xx - 20xx

"Just wait for me (F/N)-chan. We'll be meeting soon" He felt a small peck of cold wind on his cheek as he walked out of the cemetery.

"I'll be waiting Kazu-kun"

~ end ~


Sorry for the ending reader-chan xD I just killed you on this Oneshot. *bows 180°* sorry again!

Btw.. Happy Birthday to Ta-chan!

-Nov. 21, 2014-

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