Paris, france

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I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed my hair curled and pinned half up. I had on tons of mascara and a smokey eye shadow.

"You look beautiful!" Harry walked down the hall in a tux

"You look pretty hot your self."

"Here one last thing." He handed me a shoe box.

I opened them up revealing a pair of sparky silver heels. "They are beautiful! Thank you baby." I pulled him down to me by his neck kissing him roughly.

"Put em on let's get going!" I slipped the heels on my feet following harry to my grandmas living room.

"You guys look absolutely beautiful!" She cheered pulling us into a bear hug. She than placed a sloppy kiss on Harry's and my cheek.

"I love you grams." She pulled out her camera

"Picture time." She pointed out camera at us.

Harry grabbed me pulling me into the shot. He placed a sloppy lasting kiss on my temple. Click my grandmas camera made a noise.

Harry picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist. My grandma laughed and took another picture.

"Okay grandma we should go." I hugged her.

"Love you guys"

"Love you grandma."

I grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him out of the house.

Harry climbed in the drivers seat of our rental car after he helped me in the passenger seat.

"Babe so where are we going?" I grabbed his hand.

"Your grandma recommended this place. I can't remember the name but she drove me and showed me how to get there when you were sleeping."

"Oh." he smiled at me.

"Your so damn beautiful." He smiled a huge dimply smile at me.

"Thank you baby." I wrapped his big warm hands in my hand and I pulled them to my lap.

We pulled into a huge parking lot that was filled with cars. The building was a one story building with lights in the windows.

Harry pulled in the parking lot. He pulled in the first spot he found. He cut the engine and climbed out to run around the car to open my door.

"Thanks." I climbed out pulling my coat on my body. Harry pulled me to his side an kissed my head.

"You look so beautiful." He whispered.

"So do you." Words slipped out of my mouth before I even realized. "I meant you looked good."

"It's fine babe." I kissed his cheek.

We walked in the beautiful building. Lights were stringed all over the ceiling, it was a beautiful thing.

"This is beautiful." Harry whispered

"Do you have reservations?" A guy in a suit with a cloth draped over his arms asked.

"Yes Harry Styles." Harry spoke from his beautiful lips.

"This way." The guy said as he turned around him.

We followed the guy to our table where he handed us a menu.

Me and Harry had small conversations while eating our dinner.

We are twirling our forks finished with our deserts. "So where do you wanna go for collage." Harry look deep into my eyes.

"I was thinking U of M" I took a sip of my water.

"Really!" He sounded excited "the University of Michigan?"


"That's wonderful babe, you will be great there!" He grabbed my hands.

"What about you?"

"I was thinking about Western Michigan." He laughed

"I'm surprised you don't wanna get out of Michigan."

"Eh I would rather stay." He cleared his throat "I wanna travel after I graduate."

"That's cool!"

"Yeah." He looked at his lap.

"You kids ready for your check." The waiter asked.

"Yes sir!" Harry spoke.

The waiter walked away as harry and I finished our conversation.

The waiter set down the check and smiled at us. Harry grabbed the check pulling his wallet out.

"Harry at least let me pay for my dinner." I grabbed my clutch from the table.

"Nope I'm paying for everything." He laughed "don't even fight me."

He paid the bill and we left the restaurant hand in hand.

Him (Harry styles)Where stories live. Discover now